Award Show Event (Interracial)

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***You And Justin's First Time being a couple in public***

Your POV

"I'm so nervous.." I mumbled coming into the room now fully dressed and ready to go. (Outfit on the side or on the top).

You looked at Justin to see his back is turned towards the mirror fixing his tie that he is attempting to put on.

"Baby don't be ner- Y/N" Justin said with wide eyes looking at you. "W-What's wrong is there something wrong with my outfit?" You asked suddenly looking at the way you look.

"No! Baby it's just look... Hot." He said biting his lip.

You blushed. "Thank you."

"Now... It looks like you need help with your tie." You laughed looking at Justin's crumbled tie.

You walked over seeing Justin look at your every move. You unknotted his tie smiling up at him. He put his hand on your waist smiling back at you.

"Keep your hands to yourself Bieber."

He lowered his hands gripping your butt. "Done." You smirked before pecking his lips and moving away making him groan.

"Gold Rolex or black Rolex?" He asked holding them up.

"You always ask this and I'm gonna say the golf one." You laughed.

"Alright.. You ready?" He asked fixing himself one more time.

You took a deep breath but nodded. He smiled before intwining your hands together walking towards the car.


"I'm so nervous right now." You said holding onto Justin as you guys pulled up.

"Y/N baby listen to me... I don't wanna hide this anymore. I want the whole world to know who has my heart. And I have yours." He said before kissing your lips.

"Are you ready Mr.Bieber?" The driver asked.

Justin looked at you and you took a deep breath before smiling and nodded. Justin told the driver. The driver came around opening the door. Justin got out first making a whole bunch of flashes come out but he wasn't worried about that all his focus was on you.

You slid your dress on the seat grabbing Justin's hand that he held out helping you out of the car. You smiled lightly at him and he grabbed your hand intwining it together you held onto his arm before walking down the carpet.

"JUSTIN?! Are you and Y/N official now?!" A pap asked.

He just nodded smiling. A whole bunch of screams erupted from the fans. "JUSTIN, Y/N look over here!" The pap yelled.

You guys stayed planted taking pictures. You could see Justin looking at you from the corner of his eye. "I can't wait to take you him and get you out of the dress." Justin whispered lowly in your ear.

You looked at him and smiled giving him a sternly look to behave. You guys walked the red carpet doing interviews. Before you guys came inside to the actual event taking a seat.


"Now here to Present The Artist Of The Year Award is Ms. Ariana Grande." The announcer said.

You felt Justin's hand tighten around you and you knew he was nervous so, gave his hand light squeeze reassuring him and smiling lightly.

"This boy... Isn't a boy anymore he's a man. A man that grew up in the paparazzi's eye.. We watched him grow up in front of our eyes... Yes He's has done some wrongs in his life. But haven't we all? He's human just like us.. All of us. This man dedicates his life to do better in life. Also, for his fans he would do anything for. I personally know this man, and he is the most sweeties, genuine well-respected man I know. And when he's in the studio. It's pure amazement. This man deserves this award.... So for the 3rd year in a row of winning this award I would like to give it up for my best friend Mr. Justin Bieber." Ariana grande said holding up the award.

Justin's music "boyfriend" started playing in the back round he stood up in his chair and so did you. He kissed your lips gently holding your hand before walking up on stage. He got up on stage looking around at all the people...

"I-I don't know what to say?" He laughed slightly... Looking at you. You nodded for him to continue.

"I would just like to thank everyone for this award. Thank you for giving me a second chance. I know I did some things in my life I'm not very proud of and I am sorry for that but, I growing and I'm still learning from my mistakes. Also, I would like to thank my fans... Without you none of this would be possible. Mom, dad... Family I love you so much. The whole Bieber crew I love you guys too." He laughed slightly before pausing again but then he looked up and his eyes were locked onto yours.

"And to most of all my beautiful, most amazing girlfriend Y/N. She was there for me... When I was at my lowest, when I felt like everyone had giving up on me. But, she helped me get back up on my feet... And she makes me happy." He smiled wide.

"And I didn't wanna hide her from the world anymore. Because, someone special like that...doesn't deserve to be hid away. They deserve to be shown off like the true diamond they are. So, once again I would just like to thank everyone.. And I love you guys so much thank you." He said before walking back stage.

A few moments later he came back towards the seat with the award smiling wide at you. You stood up kissing his lips making everyone awe. "I love you so much." He mumbled onto your lips.

"I love you too Jay." You smiled before intwining hands again.

HEY LOVELIES, I hope you guys liked this one 😩💕 I don't know where I got the inspiration for this one but it just came to be 😂😂 but let me know what you thought about this one in the comments below

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now