The Ex

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**This is an imagine when You and Justin are spending time with Jaxon and Jazmyn but, Justin's too busy texting his ex the whole time.**

*Requested by: @Bizzle-Love*

**Hope you like it <3 :)**

Your POV

"So, what do you guys wanna do first." You smiled wide at the two little kids I front of you.

"Let's play dress up!" Jazzy said smiling wide.

"No, I wanna play super heroes!" Jaxon said.

Making you laugh, you remember the times where You and Justin used to hate each other your parents used to make you guys have play dates and Justin would always never want to play what you wanted to play. But... Surprising you guys turned out to be best friends till this day.

"Why do we play dress up/super heroes?" You asked them making a confused look on there face.

"Jazmyn you can dress up as a beautiful princess and Jaxon you can dress up as a strong, brave super hero who eventually saves the beautiful princess!" You said using your head trying to get them both to be happy.

"OKAY!" They both yelled. "IM GONNA GO CHANGE INTO MY PRINCESS COSTUME!" Jazzy yelled before running away. "Wait! I'm going to change too!" Jaxon yelled running after her.

You sighed leaning back onto the couch were you best friend for like ever since you both stopped hating each other. "Your going to be a great mom some day." Justin smiled.

"Thanks, and your going to be a great father one day." I smiled back punching his arm.

"Y/N" he laughed before eventually playfully hitting you back.

"Did Bieber just hit a girl?!" You pretended to be shocked.

"And if I did." He smirked coming closer to you.

"Oh no reason." You laughed turning away.

Next thing you know Justin tackled you with a whole bunch of tickles. "Justin!" You laughed trying to push him off of you.

"Y/N-" he said before his phone went off making him stop and get off of you grabbing his phone.

"Oooh who you texting?" You said poking his cheek scooting over to him.

"It's Selena.." He sighed. (NO hate what so ever on Selena BTW)

"Oh..." You mumbled before backing away.

"What does she want?" You asked.

He just sat there texting away basically ignoring your question.

"Y/N!" Can you help me put my princess crown on." Jazzy said coming downstairs with her princess grown on.

"Of course." You smiled.

"There, now your a beautiful princess. Even thought you already were one." You smiled.

Next Jaxon came down stairs in his superhero costume and for the next couple of about 30-40 minutes of watching them play together you guys decided to take a snack break.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now