Panic Attack

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**You Have A Panic Attack and Justin helps you***

You woke up in the middle of the night hearing the sound of thunder clap from the outside and the window blowing roughly outside the window. You hear the rain banging against the window. You hated thunderstorms, and Justin knew that too bad he was in the studio working late to get his album finished and you didn't wanna bother him right now. You heard another clap of thunder and the house shook a little.

You start breathing heavy and you start to feel dizzy. You slowly but quickly went over towards the dresser grabbing you inhaler before placing shaking it quickly before using it.... But nothing came out.

You quickly started to panic more, you didn't go get another refill because you haven't had a panic attack ever since you were little. You grabbed your phone dialing Justin's number breathing heavy.

You hoped he picked up after a couple rings. "Babe? It's going on 2:30 in the what are you still doing up?" Justin said talking to you sounding like he was in the car.

You started breathing heavy. "J-Justin." You said out of breath. Justin immediately knew what was going on. "Y/N baby... I need you to focus on me and only me okay." He said sternly.

You nodded still breathing heavy. "Now breath in...count to 3 then breath out." He said looking straight at you not breaking eye contact.

You took in a deep breath closing your eyes. "1,2,&3" he counted as you held your breath.

Justin's POV

Y/N is having a panic attack and she had never had one in years. Finally I got home running upstairs looking to see Y/N with her eyes closed holding her breath.

"Release baby." I whispered. Making her jumped as she felt my presence behind her she soon then jumped into my arms as you heard another clap of thunder.

"Powers out." I mumbled as the lights shut off laying her down on the bed.

She just stayed clinched to me as if I was going to leave her."Okay baby, I got you... Just keep breathing." He said wrapping his hands around you laying down with you as well.

"Across the ocean, across the sea.. Started to forget the way you look at me now." I whispered in here ear playing with the ends of her hair.

"Over the mountains, across the sky... Need to see your face, need to look in your eyes."

Her breathing started slowly down and you slowly started to close your eyes as you cuddled into Justin's chest.

"Through the storm and through the clouds, bumps in the road and it's upside now." He said kissing for forehead.

"I know it's hard babe, to sleep at night.... Don't you worry cause everything's going to be alright." I seen that she's asleep on my chest and the rain started to slow down. I sat up a bit taking off my shoes and my pants leaving only on my shirt.

She mumbled stretching out her arms. "I'm right here." I laughed softly. I grabbed her hand that was now laying on my chest . As she fell right back asleep. I turned my body so my face is leaning on her forehead as her chest moved up and down slowly.

"If you ever need me... I'll be there, even when I'm away on your Y/N.... I love you, I love you so much I would go across he world and back just to make you happy. And to have you in my arms right now, is anything a man could ever ask for." I whispered kissing her hand. Intwining our hands together before I gave her one last look before I laid back on my stomach pulling Y/N closer towards me. "And she's all mine."

HEY LOVELIES, eh, I'm sorry if this sucked. But, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I been slacking in sorry but, im doing more of the requests hopefully tonight so look out for them ❤️

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now