A Terrible Accident

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AN:// this is going to get emotional, so I suggest you bring out the tissues.

Also, Do any of you take state test... Or does every state do that? 🙄 Well, In PA I do and I'm suppose to be studying for them and I'm not... This is my 3rd time taking them. I have my reasons trust me on the bio ones they asked me. "How does a kola bear in a tree effect the environment." No joke 💀💀 at that point I knew it was over for me 💀 & I'm just about to take the L again 😭.

But.... Let's get into the imagine shall we. Are you ready? This is going to be in your POV!

Alright, let's do this.😫 (SORRY FOR ANY MISTAKES)

In a split second.... Everything changed.


Just like that, my whole life seems as so as it had taken a turn, in the wrong direction. But, before this all happend. I'll like to take you back just moments before, the incident to
understand clearer.

"He's going to be so happy, you have no idea how much he misses you Y/N." Scooter spoke into the phone through FaceTime. I laughed as I began to pack my the last bag of my luggage.

"I have a feeling, he's been dying to see me. Just last night he was talking about asking you to give him permission to fly out here."

"That boy, let me tell you. You have him wrapped around your finger. He was all sluggish yesterday."

"Sluggish? How so?"

"He said you had not called him not texted him all day."

You raised your eyebrow, at what he could of been talking about but then realization hit you. "I was taking my final exams all day... I explained that to him last night." I explained. He nodded.

"Well, let me know when you get onto the plane, I have to make sure he doesn't try to leave, knowing him. He could be making a flight to see you this moment." He laughed. I nodded in agreement.

"I'll talk to you later, okay bye." And with that I hung up the phone. I finally finished packing my last luggage. I sighed carrying it down the steps going into the garage placing it with the other luggage into the trunk. I closed the door hopping into the front seat buckling up.

I looked at my phone setting it on the dock. As my phone lit up there was a photo of Justin and I covered in flour, he was holding my waist as I was dying of laughter.

I smiled before starting to pull out of the drive way driving off. Since it was about 40-45 minute drive towards the airport I decided to place on some music.

Nick Jones - Close came on and I just nodded my head to the best enjoying the tunes stopping at the red light at a 4-way intersection. I grabbed my phone quickly replying to a text my mother sent me telling me don't forget to drop off the flowers... Which I completely forgot.

The light turned green and I placed my phone back into the dock driving off... Until everything felt like I went in slow motion.

I felt as so my whole body lost feeling, the glass shattering from the windows the car skidding off into the side of the road. Numerous times of my head banging off of the repeatedly from the dashboard to seat.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now