"Your Secute"

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***Hope You Enjoy This One***

You woke up not seeing Justin next to you. You sighed getting up going towards the bathroom brushing your teeth, getting in the shower you know the daily routines. After your done you walk downstairs to see Justin in your living room playing the Xbox.

You sat next to him folding your hands together waiting for him to say something, But he didn't. You thought for a second and he was sitting up with his arms rested on his legs. You decided to slide your body through there.

"Hi." you said smiling looking up at Justin to see only his face still looking at the TV.

He looked quickly down laughing at you before looking back at the TV.

"Whatcha doing..." You trailed off.

"Playing 2k?" He said still focused on the TV.

You decided to start poking his face.. "Owe." You said holding your finger.

"What happened." He laughed.

"Your jaw cut me." you pouted holding your finger in his face.

He laughed. "Your secute." He said before placing the controller down kissing your lips.

You got off of him before he got up but, you quickly stood on the couch jumping on his back. "I love you." You said into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too babe, but are you okay you been real attached to me today?" He laughed.

"No, I just really love you." You laughed.

"I love you too babe." He said before going up the stairs.

"Justin! I'm falling!" You said grabbing him tightly as he let go off you.

"Babe, were at the top of the steps.." He laughed.

"Oh." You laughed embarrassingly.

You got yourself off of him and seen him walking towards the bedroom. Before he pulled out his laptop. You were hungry so you decided to go downstairs to get something to eat. After your done you go back upstairs to see Justin talking to someone on the laptop. He didn't see you, but eventually you heard him talking about the fans so your guessing he's doing a live chat. (HE SHOULD DO ANOTHER ONE, I MISS HIM DOING THEM..)

You climbed on the bed laying your head on his chest looking at the live-stream. "Hey baby." He said kissing your forehead.

You started reading the comments and most of them were like "You guys are so cute.." Or "I love (Justin & Y/N together)" stuff like that. You smiled at how nice and supportive they were of you and Justin's relationship.

He wrapped his arms around you and you decided to start playing with his hair. "Hey, hey watch the hair babe." He said sternly laughing

You decided to just mess up his hair. "Oops." You smirked.

"Oh your so in for it." He said placing the laptop at the end of the bed. You squealed before trying to run off the bed but he grabbed your waist making you fall on the bed. you laughed loudly before turning yourself now being face to face with Justin over you.

"Your hair looks amazing by the way babe? Who did it." You said innocently.

"My amazing... Beautiful, sexy girlfriend did..." He whispered and started kissing your neck. You closed your eyes before opening them seeing a red light on the laptop screen.

"Justin." You laughed.

"Hmm." He mumbled looking up at you.

"Your still on live-stream." You whispered pointing at the screen.

"Maybe they wanted to see a show." He smirked.

You rolled your eyes hinting him you fixed your hair and yourself. You guys started looking at the comments and seen "Screenshots" everywhere. "And you guys are goals."

"This, is definitely going to be everywhere." You told Justin and he nodded laughing.

Hey lovelies, I GOT 7.45K views?! OMG guys... Thank you, for reading my imagines and voting and comment guys. I love you guys. Honestly ❤️❤️  but seriously, if anyone wants me to make an imagine for them I will do it <3 it could be a personal doesn't matter?'😊💕 I hope you guys like this imagine

- Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now