Are you sure...?

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It's Justin & Your's first time.....

Your POV

Justin and I have been dating for almost a year now & he's always talked about.... You know having sex. But, you always been too nervous. You know he wants to & he respects me for wanting to wait but you feel like if you wait too long he's gonna leave.

You sighed. Don't get me wrong you want to do this as much as him but every time we get almost to that stage. I always stop Justin before anything gets to far but tonight... I'm ready.

You looked in the mirror your wearing your new black lace undergarments that you recently bought at Victoria Secret. Your hair was curly and your makeup was done. You had a smokey eye and your red plump lips. Justin would be home soon from the studio so you had to make sure you had everything set up and ready.

To Do List.

- Rose pedal trail.... Check.

- Justin's favorite Champagne... Check.

- Rose petals spread out on the bed.. Check.

- Hot bubble bath with rose pedals... Check.

- Candles lit... Check.

"Okay everything's ready..." You mumbled sighing.

You heard the front door open. "Babe?' You heard Justin call from downstairs.

"I'm upstairs." You yelled.

You heard Justin come up the steps.. "Babe whats all thi- woah.." He said looking at you.

You took a deep breath before sexily walking over to him... "Long day?" You asked taking off his jacket placing it on the side making sure he got a good view of your ass.

"Yeah.. the studio has me all stressed out." He biting his lip looking at you.

"Well, maybe I could help you out." You said going behind him kissing his neck before grabbing his hand walking towards the bathroom.

You entered the bathroom and the room is dim from only candles being lit in the room. You let go of Justin's hand slowly getting the confidence. You slowly undress yourself getting into the tub. Justin's standing there.

"Your not going to join me?" You whispered biting your lip.

He hesitantly looked at you but soon he joined you in the bath. you slid over to were Justin was and he bit his lip and pulled you on top of him. You slowly started kissing him making your way down to his jawline then to his neck. He grabbed your waist lowering his hands to down to were your ass is.

"Y/N" He groaned.

"Wait, Wait stop babe.." He said pulling you gently away from his neck.

Your heart started beating fast.. 

"D-Did I do something wrong." You stuttered.

"No, babe.." He laughed slightly moving your hair out your face.

"I just want to make sure... do you really want to do this? Like are you sure.. I don't want to feel like i am pressuring you into doing this." He said seriously.

You nodded. "I'm ready.."

He smiled wide before gently picking you up making you squeal he took you back to the bedroom laying you down.

"Justin! the bed is going to get all wet!" You gasped.

"Don't worry... Its gonna end up being soaked anyways." He smirked before kissing you.

And the rest of the night was just amazing Justin made sure every little thing he did you were okay with it. & let's just say.. you were going to be pretty exhausted in the morning. (wink, wink)


HEY LOVELIES! I hope you guys enjoyed this one... this one was requested by ninak3702 I hope you like it <3 If anyone wants a person please feel free to comment or inbox me <3

- Alicia 

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now