Such A Tease

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I'm still going to be updating guys. Just not as much... :/ . But, honestly thank you for being so understanding I know I shouldn't put that much stress on me. But, it's hard not to... I just want my family to be proud of me and I want to achieve in life be someone... Somebody can look up to. I got colleges looking at me and it's really nerve recking when you feel like your whole life depends on this moment in your life right now and I don't wanna mess up and be known in my family as a what they say "a fuck up.." See my mom comes from a very strict Italian family they expect the best out of you. And my dad is Trinidadian so you know it's the same thing. And that's a lot on my part cause I don't want to let anyone down... It's hard... Sometimes I just is too much you know? But, Anyways.. I wanted to update because Wattpad I feel like it's my release to get away from everything...& I love you guys so much.

Requested by: @malloymeliena123

**Hope You Enjoy**

Justin has been really busy lately with his new album coming out and he's been in and out of the home studio and the studio that's down on Hollywood Blvd. He's almost never home and when he's home he's always in the studio.

You sighed. Justin haven't showed you any love or affection in weeks.. And honestly you miss him.... Alot.

So you wet your hair and just left it with this natural waves or curls with your makeup really lightly and your wearing one of Justin's white button down shirt with the couple top buttons undone and under it you have your black lacy undergarments that Justin loves.

You walked down the stairs going towards the in home studio it was a little bit open and you heard Justin listen to beats. "No, no.. that's not right." He sighed running his fingers through his hair.

You went up behind him and started massaging his shoulders. "I think it sounded pretty good." You whispered kissing his neck. You felt Justin tense as he sucked in a breath.

"Babe.." He sighed before turning around as his eyes go wide at what your wearing.

"Yes Jay.." You smirked at the look on his face.

"I-I-I got to finish this song so.. Please." He said before turning around going back to playing with the keys.

You rolled your eyes. Damn it... You almost had him. But, you know what you like a challenge so let the teasing begin. "Damn it." Justin groaned as his pencil dropped on the floor.

"I'll get it baby." You said getting up.

"N-No , it's fine babe." He said quickly watching your every move.

"I got it." You smirked making sure to bend down over in front of Justin.

"God damn." You heard his whisper under his breath.

You quickly got up turning around. "Here's your pencil babe." You smiled At him.

"Right, right." He said coughing awkwardly.

You smirked. "Anything else you need baby?" You whispered.

"N-nope im fine." He said quickly.

Your face when from smiling to no emotion. He's playing hard to get but, I will just play harder.

"Baby." You whispered placing your hands on Justin's back moving them towards up his lower area slowly.

"Mmhm. Y/N..." He mumbled closing his eyes.

"You know how much... I miss you... I miss your touch.." You whispered feeling all over his body making him suck in a breath.

"Mmhm." He mumbled.

Justin had a white button up with black pants and his tie on because he was going to meeting soon.

You turned him around and straddled him grabbing his tie. He immediately grabbed your waist smirking. "I know you have a meeting to go to soon.... But... I was thinking?" You mumbled slowly moving your hands up and down his chest area.

"W-we can fit in.... A quick one." He smirked now his hands slowly rising up your shirt.

"Actually, I was thinking...." You smirked unbuttoning his shirt now revealing his tattoos.

He raised his eyebrow. You quickly got off of him. "Can you pick up some ice cream on your way back baby?" You batted your eyes.

Justin looked at you and gave you "are you kidding me look?"

"Thanks baby." You smiled before blowing a kiss at him swaying your hips while you walked out the door.

"Y/N! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Justin yelled now sexually frustrated.

You laughed to yourself. You seen Justin walk out of the home studio with a pissed off look on his face you just laughed. "Oh you think this is funny?!" He yelled but you just kept laughing.

"I have a meeting to go to in a couple minutes! And now.... I have this situation!"

"Not my problem." You laughed walking into the kitchen.

You felt a strong hand grab your arm pulling you back into a strong chest. You looked up to see Justin breathing heavy and looking at you with a stern look before he pushed you up against the wall placing one hand on your waist. And the other one on the wall.

"Oh by my..... Sweet Y/N. It's your problem? And now... Your going to have to solve this problem or your in for one hell of a punishment baby girl." He whispered in a deep raspy voice that made your legs go weak.

"I don't know what your talking about?" You whispered back.

"Maybe I have to refresh your memory.." He smirked before he grabbed your legs making you automatically jump onto him and squeal at how rough he was being.... And it was a huge turn on.

He kissed your lips roughly before he pulled away biting his lip. "What time is it?" He whispered.


He smirked. "15 minutes... That's just enough time to show you who's daddy around here, and next time you ever try something like that sweetheart. I will make sure you won't be walking for weeks." He whispered in your ear in his raspy before taking you up stairs. Let's just say.... He kept his word.

HEY GUYS.... Yeah, sorry if this one sucked. But, I wanted to post something for you guys... So I hope you enjoyed this. I honestly love you guys because, you guys are so supportive and helping me through my rough patches in life. ❤️

- Alicia

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