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Justin surprises you at your volleyball game.


"So did you hear from him?" Your best friend said coming over to you.

"He said he isn't going to make it but, it's normal... I get it he's busy. He's always busy." You mumbled. you sighed getting up from the bench.

She handed you your drink. "Let's go get this W." She said smiling wide.

You laughed and and ran out on the court.

Justin's POV

"So she has no idea your coming?"  Alfredo said recording it.

"Nope.. i told her i was busy and i was sorry." I said. I jumped out the car with the presents i got Y/N balloons and roses. Also... an extra something.. See Y/N and I's anniversary is next week and Its been about to be 2 years of us being in a relationship publicly. But overall this is going to be 3 years of being in a relationship with her. & I feel like I'm ready to officially have Y/N in my life. I smiled before walking into the school.. The Coach's know and her best friend Y/BF/N knows also her team mates.

"How do I look?" I smiled looking at Alfredo with the camera. He's recording everything from the time I left to the time. I said too much.

Y/N is playing in her game right now so one of her team mates are going to run out and I am going to put on a wig and switch out looking like her team mate.

"That's my queue." I said smiling before running in to switch positions. I actually had experience in Volleyball so that's a plus. But i had to fake twisting my ankle.

"AHH!" I yelled making the game stop.

Of course being Y/N shes very caring so she quickly ran over. "Are you okay?" She asked holding my back.

I shook my head before slowly getting down on 1 knee removing the wig making Y/N gasp and back up covering her mouth.

"Justin?!" She semi yelled.

I laughed and nodded. I grabbed one of her hands smiling wide at her. Everyone in the crowd was in pure shock her coach was crying, and her team mates were cheering her on.

"Y/N..." I took another deep breath before starting again. "Y/N I don't know how to put this... I love you... No scratch that I am IN love with you ever since the day I bumped into you Starbucks. Man I am actually happy your frappe' fell on me." I laughed slightly making everyone giggle.

"But what i am really trying to say is.. I want you... No I need you in my life. Your the best thing that happened to me, every time i see that beautiful smile of your it makes my heart go crazy. Your beautiful Inside and out, funny, intelligent... anything you can imagine you have. Your perfect and I tell you that all the time and you always argue with me about it.. But your my kind of perfect... So, what I am trying to say is Y/F/N will you do the honor's of being my wife, my best friend, my one and only." I said pulling out a 1.25 carat diamond ring.

Y/N stood there in tears without hesitation. "Yes." She said quietly smiling wide.

"Yes?" I said clarifying it.

"Yes!" She yelled jumping on me kissing my lips.

Claps and whistles erupted from the gym all over. I spun her around holding her before placing the ring on her finger.

"I love you Jay." Y/N said kissing my lips.

"I love you too Y/N so much."

"But, hold my ring until I finish this game and getting this W." She smirked before placing the ring back in the box.

I laughed and nodded smacking her ass before she ran back on the court. For the rest of the game Y/N was killing it.. Her serves were on point. Her setting, everything was just amazing... And the best part of this was.. She's all mines.


HEY LOVELIES! Sorry for the late update I started Volleyball today and this gave me the idea of making this one.. Question? Do any of you guys play sports? Also, I'll be updating Daddy McCann soon I'm kind of  just tired and sore from conditioning today so bare with me <3 lol.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now