Wants Vs Haves

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An:// I'm really heated bro... 👏🏽 like I could throw hands right now . But, you know what... Lemmie write this imagine for the lovely ❤️

Requested By: MayIsOnCrack , promised you I would do it bby. Hope you enjoy.😘❤️

"Jason!" You squealed hugging him as he entered the house with his luggage. "Wassup babygirl." He kissed your cheek.

"Where's the bro?" He questioned looking around the house, talking about Justin. "He's upstairs getting changed. Just got out the shower."

"How was the ride here?" I questioned closing the door following him. "Same old, the fight as... Interesting."

"Why?" I chuckled siting next to him. "Because, people swore I was Jason McCann like... Who tf is Jason McCann."

"Your so retarted Jason."

"Hey, it was fun to mess around." He nudged me slightly. "I'm surprised people didn't think you were Justin... Meaning you both look alike."

"No, wait this girl on the plane like screamed "OMB it's Justin Bieber!" And dropped on the floor knocked out. I thought she died tbh. Wtf is OMB?" He started dying of laughter.

"It's Oh my Bieber." I chuckled, "wow.. He got a OMG named after him... He's living the life but it's okay, because I got one named after me too."

"Oh yeah what?"

"OHJ.. Meaning "Oh My Jason" all the girls say it when I got down on them." He smirked,

"Your disgusting!" I laughed loudly hitting him with the pillow. "Jason, wassup bro?" Justin spoke now entering the room shirtless with his hair dripping wet.

"I missed you man." Justin and Jason did a bro hug. "How was the flight? No problems."

"You don't even know the half of it." He chuckled.

"How about I make my two favorite boys something to eat while you two catch up." I suggested standing up. They both nodded.

I was in the kitchen stirring the noddles for the spaghetti and then I felt someone behind me wrap my arms around my waist.

"Hey babygirl can we talk." Justin lightly kissed my neck. I turned the fire on low before turning towards him. "Sure what's wrong?"

"Somewhere private." He grabbed my hand taking me outside on the patio. "You can't get mad when I say this..." He muttered.

I raised my eyebrow. "O-okay what is it?" I questioned. "I-I think I'm in love with my brother."

I looked and him and laughed. "He's your brother Jason of course you love him."

He shook his head. "Like.. Love love him, the way I love you... Like, the same way I want to tear your clothes off of you and fuck you into oblivion... That's the same way i feel about him."

I bit my lip. "Okay?" I nodded, "that's all your going to say is okay?! Y/N I just admitted I'm gay for my brother."

"It's hot." I shrugged smirking.

"What?" He looked at you in disbelief. "No seriously... Jason and I are completely different I'm more singing and he's more into gangs."

"Bad boy, and the innocent Bieber... I like it." I kissed his cheek. "Y/N." He groaned,

"Threesome?" I questioned.

He turned around quickly. "W-What the hell did you just say?" He stuttered.

I shook my head going back inside. "Jason!" Dinners ready."

We were all eating dinner and Justin kept shaking his head nervously as he sat between Jason and I. I rolled my eyes.

"So Jason ever had a threesome before?" I questioned causing Justin to chock on the spaghetti.

He patted Justin's back. "A few times actually." He shrugged. "why?"

"With two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl?

"Two girls... Never experienced it with a boy." He told truthfully.

"Would you want to?" I bit my lip looking at him as Justin just stood there dumbfounded.

Look, I'm trying to help you too out babe.

"With Justin and you?" He questioned looking at the both of us."

Justin coughed loudly. "I mean... Only if you want to bro."

"I mean... Shit, I been waiting to fuck Y/N ever since you started dating her.... So why the hell not."

"So threesome after dinner?"

"Let's do it." I smirked.

😝😝😝😝❤️ Well, interesting.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now