Escape |Part 3|

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Next thing you know it felt like everything went in slow motion. A loud explosion came from the outside making the whole hotel shake and everything went flying, smoke appeared all over the room. Justin quickly went over towards Dylan and I checking on us. Before the door got knocked down and all you hear is loud footsteps coming towards us.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here?"


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!" Justin yelled coughing holding his stomach.

He shook his head laughing walking over towards Dylan & I. "Back away from them now Erick." Justin said while coughing from the smoke in the air, slowly getting up .

You looked a Erick holding a passed out Dylan. "G-get away." You said while coughing slowly sliding with Dylan in your arms.

He laughed lowly. "Did you miss me baby?"

"You a-almost killed us! All of us!" You yelled before coughing.

"But I didn't did I.." He smirked before walking closer. I looked behind him to see Justin with his finger to his lips in a "shh" motion.

You nodded before Erick raised his eyebrow before turning around then Justin fist collided with his jaw making him fall to the ground.

"L-Let's go." He coughed before he went over towards you helping you out with Dylan in your hands. You quickly got out of the hotel room going down the steps since the elevator was stuck from the explosion.

You got outside seeing a whole bunch of police officers and firefighters. The paramedics quickly came over to us. They grabbed Dylan before the took Justin & you over towards a different paramedics.

"Is anything hurting you mam" he asked checking your arms and legs. You nodded no keeping an eye on Dylan as a whole bunch of paramedics surrounded him.

You seen Justin walk over towards you with a butterfly stitches above his right eyebrow. You quickly jumped off the paramedics grabbing Justin pulling him in for a hug. "This is all my f-fault." You cried.

"Shh, it's going to be okay, he's going to be alright."

Dylan was the one who got hurt the most, he was the closest to the door at the time. He basically flew into me making us all fall. He's just a little boy... The smoke didn't help him either.

"What if he's no-"

"He is going to be alright, I don't wanna hear that come out your mouth again." Justin said sternly. Before next thing you see the hotel building just blew up completely in flames.

Justin quickly covered you holding you tight. You felt Justin's hand close to yours before he intwined them together.

"Sir, we're going to need you to back up." The firefighter said sternly to Justin. He nodded before backing up behind the yellow tape. "Where my son?" I asked quickly looking at all the paramedics gone.

"They took everyone Mount Sinai St. Luke's Hospital."

"How can they just take my son without a parents consent or without a parent present!" I yelled at the officer.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now