Rebellious |Part 2|

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HEY LOVELIES, so some of you guys requested for part 2 so, here it is. And lol... So I was just checking on the story settings and the story languages setting was in Italian 😂😂 like? I don't even know how that got there. WELP. I FIXED IT... It's English now. But, I hope you enjoy. And if anyone went to school today? Or already did have your first day. Let me know how it went? ❤️

You and Justin had been very stressed out with Ava lately, you don't know what's been going through that girls head. Right now Justin's helping Gracie with her homework and your cooking dinner. You turned around looking at Justin leaning over to on Gracie's paper.

"Alright, if you have 2 eggs can you take away 4 eggs?" He asked her.

She raised her eyebrows. She counted her fingers. "No, because there's missing two other eggs?" She said shaking her head.

"exactly." He laughed. "Now. Read this. If Susie had 10 apples and she gave away 5 but then took away-"

"This is too much for my head." She said holding her head in her hands, making you laugh.

"We can take a 5 minute break, but.. Once that 5 minutes is over its back to work okay." He said sternly. She nodded and ran off the chair going wherever.

"Mr. Bieber." You smirked fixing his tie since he had a meeting soon with the crew.

"Mrs. Bieber..." He said kissing your lips.

"You guys are gross." Ava said coming into the kitchen now fully dressed. You sighed turning around finishing cooking.

"Where are you going? I thought I told you, you were grounded Ava." Justin said sternly folding his arms.

"Jessica wanted to go out tonight, and I didn't think you were serious."

You shook your head and kept cooking. "You got one more time Ava."

"Forget Jessica, your not going out. Your grounded." He said sternly.

"Pssh...Yeah, that's what you think." She laughed going into the fridge.

"Excuse me?" Justin raised his eyebrow at her.

"That's it." You turned off the stove then slammed the cooking spoon down making a loud noise.

"Lose the attitude Ava, because I'm sick of your attitude. I'm not playing with you anymore you wanna act grown. I'm going to start treating you like a grown women. This is what's going to happen alright. Your not going to go out with Jessica, your going to go upstairs and your going to go start getting your life together! For God sakes your 17 Ava about to be 18 years GROW UP!" You yelled.

She just laughed. "Mom, seriously. Stop."

You turned Around and you started holding your hands taking everything in your power not to hit Ava, that's not what you do. "Daddy! I'm sorry I'm late!" Gracie said running in.

"It's okay." He said walking past Ava with no words.

Gracie got on the chair and grabbed her pencil. "listen, I'm going to say this once and only once. You go out tonight... Your going to see what happens. And take off whatever your wearing!" He said sternly.

"Seriously, you guys need help. Crazy ass people." She muttered walking out.

Justin slammed the pencil down on the table before reaching for his belt and unbuckling it taking it off about to go towards Ava but you stopped him.

"Don't, Justin. I know your mad... But, don't. Set a better example for Gracie, you know she does look up to you." You said looking at Gracie now doing her homework.

He sighed. "I got to get to this meeting, but if she leave Y/N. Let. Me. Know." He said sternly placing back on his belt.

You nodded and kissed his lip and he went over to Gracie kissing her forehead. "What about my homework daddy?" She said sighing.

"I'll help you." I said smiling she nodded, he nodded then left.

You helped Gracie with your homework and you made her a plate of food. "Sit, and eat I'll be right back." You said sternly.

You walked up stairs and this odd smell hit your face. You knew that smell from anywhere. "Weed." You remember when Justin was going through a phase and he did it.. You quickly opened the door to Ava's room to see its all smokey you quickly grabbed the roll up out of her hand and put it out.

"Are you just stupid Ava!" You yelled at her.

She just laughed she was stoned, droopy red eyes and everything. You quickly ran to the bathroom and got a cup of water before going back over to her pouring it on her.

"YO! WHAT THE FUCK!" She yelled.

"Get. Up. Right. Now!" You gritty through your teeth throwing the towel at her.

You opened the window and she groaned sitting on the bed. "Now, tell me what the hell is going on with you Ava. And I don't wanna hear no excuses. The whole story."

She sighed and held her head down. "You guys are always with Gracie! And never spend time with me anymore... Im sorry that, I'm always getting in trouble & I heard you and dad talking about having another kid. Dad is always busy with Gracie or with his music... Nobody cares about me so why should I care about myself." She shrugged.

You sighed and sat down. "Why did you just say something? You didn't have to act like this? I know this wasn't you... We didn't raise you to be like that? And how did you even get your hands on that type of stuff Ava! You know that's not good for you?!"

"I got my connects." She mumbled.

"Well cut your connects or Ima cut you." You said sternly.

"Don't tell dad please." She begged.

"One condition." You said sternly. She nodded. "You apologize to your father just like you did to me! Tell him everything... He's worried about to Ava."

She sighed and nodded. "come on... Let's go eat." You said grabbing her hand walking out of the door seeing Gracie standing but the door.

"Jesus, now she's going to tell-" Ava said before Gracie came running over to her hugging her legs. "I'm sorry." She mumbled.

Ava sighed bending down. "Why are you sorry I'm the one that's suppose to be sorry?" She said smiling.

"I'm always taking daddy away from you." She whispered as tears started coming down.

"No you don't Gracie... I just don't realize I have to put the effort in to both of you guys." I heard Justin say now coming up the steps.

"What about the meeting?" You said kissing his lips.

"Had it reschedule." He said loosing his tie.

"Ava? Don't you have something to say." You raised your eyebrow.

She sighed and began talking to Justin... Telling him everything besides what just happened. "Come here." Justin sighed before hugging her.

"Happy!" Gracie said before joining the hug.

"What's that smell?" Justin said as his nose crunched up in disgust.

"Is that weed?"

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine! Also, would you guys like me to do like a type of werewolf imagine? Yes or no? Comment below! & requests are coming I didn't forget about them ❤️❤️❤️


- Alicia

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