Father Drama

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An:// this is just a random imagine I thought of, hope you like it

An:// this is just a random imagine I thought of, hope you like it

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"Amelia come on baby lets go." You told your 6 year olds daughter. "Mommy look at the dollies, can I please get one!" She pleaded pointing at the Barbie dolls.

"I don't have the money to buy that for you right now... Promise when mommy gets her next pay check I'll come get you a dolly." I smiled.

She looked at the dolls for a moment. "No it's okay, I have dollies at home." She smiled before skipping towards me grabbing my hand.

We walked towards the food section while I grabbed cereal Amelia always went to go get her favorite snacks, I keep my eye on her through.

"Here you go." I heard a man say making me turn to look at a man with blonde hair, hazel eyes, he looked about 5'9-6.

"Thank you mister." She smiled before running over towards me. "I didn't mean to act like a creep or anything she looked like she was struggling to grab the fruit snacks." He scratched the back of his neck.

"It's fine, thank you." I smiled looking down at the cart. "Hey mister, why are you so tall?" Amelia tapped him on his leg.

"Amelia, stop bothering the man." I told her sternly. "It's fine, kids aren't a problem to me." He laughed.

Good looking, gentleman, & he likes kids... Plus in my book.

"Well, because I eat my veggies all the time." He smiled making me shake my head in laugh. "Ewh! Veggies are nasty." Her nose Scrunched up.

"Well you wanna be big and strong right?" He raised his eyebrow at her. "Yeah! I wanna be so tall I can touch the sky!" She smiled wide trying to stand up tall.

"Well, then eat your veggies and I promise you will be strong and tall like me." He smiled. "Well, I better get going, it was really nice chat." He smiled at me. "Yeah, iguess it was."

"I mean, I know we just met? But maybe we can go out sometime for some coffee or something?" He suggested. "Yeah, Im cool with that." I took out a piece of paper writing my name and number on it. Before we went our separate ways.

A couple months later...

"Are you sure Justin? I don't want to be a bother." I sighed. "Justin and I started to date about 3 months ago... And I recently just hired to work longer hours at my job and I needed a babysitter.

"Go baby, I'll be here with Amelia." He kissed my lips making me sigh. "Okay, so you know she doesn't-" "go." He said sternly.

I walked up to Amelia. "Give mommy a kiss goodbye." Before she pecked my cheek giving me a kiss. I walked grabbing your keys and walking out of the door.

Justin's POV

"So mister, what are we going to do?" She smiled looking at me with her big eyes. "Are you ever going to stop calling me mister Amelia." I laughed.

"Nooope." She pursed her lips together making a pop on the p.

I heard a bang on the door making my eyebrows raise. "Oh no." Amelia said quickly before she ran off. I shook my head before opening the door.

Seeing a man with tattoos covered his body, this man literally looked like he was straight out of prison.

"Who the hell are you?" He spat looking at me up and down. "Should I be asking you that question?" I replied back plainly.

He laughed lowly, "look white boy, I don't know who you think you are."

I laughed. "What because, you think I'm white I can't do anything?"

"Look, where's Amelia?" He shrugged. "She's not here." He stepped forward making my arm block the door. He looked at me in the eye.

"I can't let you do that." He scoffed and grabbed my arm making me grab his arm twisting it behind his back placing him up against the wall.

"I think you need to leave." I spat, he got out of my grip before he started walking away, but before I know it his fist connected with my jaw. Taking me by surprise, I touched my lip seeing if there was any blood before I wiped the corner of my mouth.

I laughed lowly before we were in a full on fight. "HEY HEY HEY!" I heard Y/N's voice.

"GET HIM MISTER!" I heard Amelia's little voice before I pushed him away. "What the hell is going on here!"

"Why don't you ask your little punk ass little white boy of a boyfriend." He gritted through your teeth.

"But that's why you got your ass beat right?" I laughed stepping up to him. "Knock it off!" Y/N yelled sternly.

"Mark leave, now... I don't even know why your here because, you know your not aloud near Amelia!" She spat.

"But that n*gga is?" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh now I'm n*gga, I thought I was "white boy" I said making Y/N give me the death glare.

"Shut it." She said sternly. "Mark leave now." She told him sternly making him roll his eyes and walk away.

"I coulda handled that." I said not looking at her. "I know you could of, but once I get a call from my 6 year old daughter saying "Mister is a fight" that's my cue to come home." She laughed kissing my lips.

"I had to protect her...." I said truthfully. "And you did an amazing job, that man has tried to take Amelia from me for ages." She sighed. "But what about your job?" I asked her.

"They will understand, family comes first."

"Hey mister, you kicked his butt!" Amelia said laughing trying to re do the actions I was doing.

"Okay that's enough Ninja, lets get you some food." Y/N said laughing.

I know Amelia isn't my real daughter, but I don't care... It feels like she is, I treat her no way different, and Y/N she's my all I will protect her and Amelia from any harm. If it means risking my life.... So be it.

HEY LOVELIES, so this was a different type of imagine 😂😂 I hope you guys enjoyed it. Comment below what you thought about it.

Much Love, Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now