The Mistress |Part 2| Mature

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AN:// FINALLY IM FINISHED, Jesus... Lol you guys are probably like "well when is this part 2 going to come? Also, the trailer was just for fun. But honestly I'm not posting a new book until maybe WWZ is finished."

"So, how was your interview Y/N?" Ma asked while picking at her food that was placed on the table.

"I heard he's a real.... Dominate guy." She raised her eyebrow still looking at her food. I coughed at remembering what Mr. Bieber had done and said.

"Y/N, are you okay?!" She asked frantically about to stand up but I held my hand up taking a sip of the Juice.

"Are you okay mommy?" Amelia asked looking at you with worried eyes. "I'm fine, just a piece of food went down the wrong tube." I smiled fixing myself.

"Mmhm." Ma looked at you before continuing to eat.

I looked at my outfit making sure everything was good, I decided to go for a button up and a skirt look today.

"Damn, 2 days in a row? I need to start coming here more often." The same guy from yesterday tried to holler at me. And again I just ignored him.

"Mrs. Y/N, nice to see you again." The office assistant smiled. I nodded going into the elevator waiting for the floor to come so I could get off.

As the elevator dinged I got off onto the floor. "Y/N Mr. Bieber is waiting for you." She muttered not even bothering to look at you.

I nodded walking towards Mr. Bieber's office. Before entering I knocked on the door opening it seeing Mr. Bieber and another female.... Kissing?

He seen me before pulling away. "Oh my, I'm sorry." She laughed, "didn't know you were standing there."

Justin adjusted his tie and coughed awkwardly, "honey... This is the new assistant Y/N. Y/N.... This is my wife, Diana." He introduced us.

....He is married?

She smiled coming over to me, hearing her heels click off the marble flooring. She held out her and i shook it smiling lightly.

"I'll see you later babe." She walked back over towards him kissing his lips. She walked past us waving bye leaving the office closing the door behind her.

On the other hand Justin was fixing his suit walking over sitting in his chair. I bit my lip walking over towards him now sitting in his chair. "So, your married?" I casually asked.

He chuckled a laugh. "Like you didn't know Y/N?"

"Actually I didn't?" I spat. "Your a disgusting person, do you know that." I gritted through my teeth.

I see his jaw clench as he sat up from his chair. He walked around the desk coming towards me. "Don't question or judge me on what I do. Do you understand me Mr. L/N." He spat lowly with a tone of warning in his voice.

"Freedom of speech, I question what I want, and I say what I want." I replied smartly back.

He laughed lowly. "Your lucky your hot, or I would of thrown you out of this building." He smirked grabbing my waist.

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now