Real Feelings

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AN:// If You Requested an Imagine, it should be posted sometime this week. 💕

Justin's POV

My eyes slowly opened seeing Y/N sleeping on my bare chest as her arm was wrapped around my waist. I sighed looking down at her. Before Y/N and I got to this "Friends With Benefits" stage, we were actually friends, like the best of friends. Im talking about before I got famous. We hanged out when we were just little kids. Play dates and all.

Many people ask. "Was Y/N my first?" No... She wasn't, but damn it I wish she was. No joke about that one.

The looked at her again and moved her hair out of her face before pressing my lips against her forehead. I felt her start to shift before opening her eyes as she smiled wide. "Morning." She said before she yawned.

"How did you sleep?" I asked running my fingers through her hair.

"Good." She smiled before she rolled out of bed grabbing my white button up shirt that was on the floor buttoning it up over her black lace outfit.

"I hope you don't mind." She laughed as she caught me looking at her.

"Nope, your fine... Perfectly fine."

She smiled before walking into her overnight bag that she had here grabbing her tooth brush and going into the bathroom.

I sighed leaning back. This girl has me whipped, you have no idea. I thought this friends with benefits thing would of brought us closer. I mean it did... But, not the way I would think of me ending up falling in love with her.

"Did I just say I'm in love with Y/N?"

"No, I can't be."

"I can't be I love with her... The fact that I'm in love with Y/N.... She's m-my best friend."

"Face it Justin, your in love with her."

"I'm in love with Y/N." I mumbled.

"Did you say something Justin?" Y/N said coming out of the bathroom. I shook my head quickly. She looked at me weirdly before shrugging.

"So, what's on your to do list for today?" She asked before throwing her hair in a bun.

"Nothing really, you know just studio making music, how about you."

"Umh...Well Michael wanted to hang out today?" She said sitting on the bed playing with her fingers.

"Weird Michael?" I raised my eyebrow. She hit me on my shoulder.

"He's not weird, he's just different." She defended him.

"Hope you have fun." I said plainly.

"Why did you say it like that?"

"I just said hope you have fun." I got up before walking towards the bathroom.


"Let me ask you this, do you like him Y/N."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now