Trapped In |Mature|

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This contains Mature Content... Strong Language, Sexual Content, Some disturbing content

Oh and advice to anyone who wants to see Justin or sees him in person. IF YOU SEE JUSTIN'S JAW CLENCH! WE ALL KNOW THAT FACE. You better back TF up and don't say a word to him. Cause he  in his mood 😭👏🏽 I seen the pictures to know.

"Rocky?" I called out for, I looked to see him running off into the woods. "Rocky!" I yelled chasing after him.

"Come here boy." I seen him into the woods standing there with a cry barking at something. "Rocky let's go boy." I slowly moved towards him only to step on a stick and scare him off.

"No, come back!" I called for and started running after him before I was pulled back and my scream was muffled by a hand. It wasn't long before the man removed his hand placing a cloth over my mouth causing me to knock out.


"Aaliyah! I'm leaving to go to work," I called for walking downstairs with my keys and purse walking towards the kitchen. "Aaliyah I know you hear me." I called for raising my voice.

I groaned seeing the back door wide open. "I told this girl about this damn door all the time." I closed the door shut. "Aaliyah!" I now yelling, I looked on the table seeing Aaliyah's phone and house keys on the table.

Okay somethings defiantly wrong. I placed my bag down grabbing my phone, dialing a number. "Hello," a raspy low voice spoke.

"Jason." I spoke with my leg beginning to shake. I haven't heard that voice in forever. "It might be, Who is this?" He questioned.

"Y/N..." I trailed off, "listen I don't have time for this... I need your help." I sighed. "And what can you possible need my help for?"

"Can you stop being an ass for once in your damn life." I spat. "Okay okay, what's up." He groaned I could tell he was now getting out of bed.

"It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and your now getting out of bed." I shook my head with a slight chuckle. "It's my life, don't judge."

"Anyways... Aaliyah is missing." I spoke lowly,

"Aaliyah as in?"

"My daughter, I can't find her anywhere."

"Why? Don't you have your baby father look for her, what the fuck do I look like the child finder police." He chuckled disgustedly. "I don't have time to get into that right now, can you please just help me."

"There's something called 911 Y/N. Try it sometime." He growled sarcastically, "Why do you have to be an ass all the time Jason."

"Why couldn't you just stay with me instead of leaving behind my back..." He mumbled under his breath.

"Jason please,"

"Y/N. I'm in a gang, I fucking kill people for a living I have work to do. I don't have time for this." He spat. "You don't have time for this... Or you don't have time for me." I bit my lip.

He paused. "Don't pull that card, don't you fucking dare. You know I put my everything into you. I put the fucking gang before you."

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now