Dinner for 2 (For Alice)

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**Justin takes you on a romantic dinner**

**Hope you enjoy this one @AliceLuvsYou ❤️**

"Baby." Justin said coming up behind you wrapping his arms around you waist.

"Hmm." You mumbled while fixing the clothes in the dresser.

"Stop." He said grabbing your hand gently.

"Justin, I really need to finish this." You sighed.

"Alice, babygirl.. You been cleaning all day the kids are with my mother for the day, so let's take this time to have some me and you time alone, you know we haven't had that in a while.." He said kissing your lips.

"But the clothes-" "No, buts I'm taking you out. So, stop cleaning and go get ready." He said sternly pushing you towards the shower.

"Okay, fine." You sighed but smiled.

He nodded and then ran out the room. You raised your eyebrow but, decided to leave it alone. You walked into the bathroom undressing your clothes before hopping into the shower. After the shower you walked out the bathroom with the towel wrapped around you going into the room.

"No Justin still?" You said to yourself, you got to admit you did take a pretty long shower.

You sighed before walking into yours and Justin's walk-in-closet. "Hmm, what should I wear?" You thought looking in your closet.

You decided to go with the a dress that was black and it had a cute slit on the side. You put the dress on and looked in the mirror. "It's missing something." You mumbled. You went to wear you placed all your belts and took out a gold belt wrapping it around your waist placing it on. (PICTURE ABOVE OR BELOW)

"Better." You smiled.

You placed on your gold heels and your MK gold watch Justin brought you for you birthday. You decided to just throw your hair in a cute slick back bun with 2 pieces out you curled the two pieces and did your makeup.

"Justin?" You called. Walking out the bedroom applying your hoop earrings.

You walked towards the staircase to see all the lights were out and candles were lit going down the stairs case with rose petals scattered around the floor and staircase.

You raised your eyebrow walking down the steps but, your heart fluttered at the thought of how he went through all this trouble just for you guys. You followed the trail of rose petals that led you into the backyard seeing your handsome husband standing there in his suit he wore to the event he went to in Cannes.

"You look beautiful..." He came toward you grabbing your and kissing it lightly.

"You too." You smiled.

"Wait- I meant you look handsome." You said quickly fixing the way you placed the words.

"Alice, baby it's okay I know what you meant." He laughed lightly.

You blushed in embarrassment.. Even though you guys have been together for almost 12 years now, he still makes your heart beat fast since they day you guys met. You still get that tingly feeling when you do or say something wrong.

He grabbed your hand intwining it before leading you towards where there was a table was set by the pool area. "Justin, you didn't have to do this." You looked at him.

"I wanted to." He smiled before pulling out the chair placing you in it before pushing it back in.

"Are you hungry? I made your favorite." He smiled before picking up the metal dish cover showing you Y/F/F. <--- your favorite food

"Starving." You laughed. He placed down your plate in front of you before he did the same with his.

"Champagne." He asked.

"Yes please," you smiled holding up your wine glass.

He popped open the bottle making fizz come out of it, but lucky none spilled on either of you.

He finally finished serving before sitting down himself. You guys started eating. "So, baby I was thinking... I mean I know your birthdays coming up and all." Justin trailed off placing down his fork wiping off his mouth.

"Hmm?" You mumbled looking up chewing the food you already have in your mouth.

"What about it?" You said now finished chewing wiping off your mouth as well.

"I know you always wanted to go to Paris... But, you never got the chance to because you got pregnant with Y/S/N <--- your son's name so, I made reservations at a hotel in Paris... Just for the two of us... Spend a week or two in Paris." He smiled wide.

You sat there in pure shock. "Jay, you have to be kidding me right?"

"I'm serious babe, I already got the kids handled with a babysitter my mom agreed we needed some more alone time, we're going to Paris baby." He smiled wide.

You got up from your chair making Justin get up as well. You quickly ran over to him even though your in heels by the pool, you didn't care about slipping.

You finally made it into Justin's embrace hugging him tightly. "Thank you so, much baby..I don't know how I could ever repay you. You, honestly do so much for me and I'm grateful to have you in my life. I love you so much." You smiled kissing his lips passionately.

He pulled away before speaking."Alice, baby I told you don't have to do anything... I have what I wanted, my beautiful wife standing here in my arms with the most beautiful kids. That's all I ever wanted. And I love you too Ali... So so, so, much babygirl, you have no idea." He said before kissing you.

"Ewh! Dad! Too much PDA!" Your daughter laughed covering your eyes.

"Why do we always come in while there doing something." Your son groaned before walking upstairs.

"Looks like the funs over for today." You sighed laughing looking down.

"Well, not quite yet... We still have until they go to sleep." He winked at you before gripping your ass.

HEY LOVELIES! I hope you liked this one Alice ❤️❤️ Also, whoever else requested I'm still doing yours so don't worry lol.. Also, the requests are still open so if you want one just comment or message me. ❤️

- Alicia

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