Friends With Your Boss

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An:// I'm glad you all loved the birthday imagine, I worked hard to make it 😩😭❤️  also, this might of been this most random imagine I ever wrote so bear with me 😂

"JUSTIN!" You heard a squeaky voice yelled coming running down the steps. She had light blonde hair, perky lips, with some short shorts on, and a tank top.

"Yeah babe?" Justin yelled coming out of the kitchen with his tie loosened and his white button up shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows & of course the famous black dress pants to accompany them.

"Get those little devil children! Out of our room!" She spat angrily. You rolled your eyes annoyed. "Why what did they do?" He questioned.

"They ruined! All of my makeup! And my favorite Louis Vuitton heels!" She wined. You bit your lip trying not to laugh but it came out anyways.

She glared at you with a dirty look. "I'll take care of it." He told her sternly. "What about all my stuff Jaybear." She pouted. Your face scrunched up in disgust hearing that pet name.

"I'll buy you new ones okay, my love."  He smiled before she squealed and kissed his lips making you mentally vomit. "Gold digger." You coughed.

She pulled away "Did you say something?" She smirked. "Yeah, I called you a gold digger." You replied plainly. She scoffed before going up the stairs seeing the two girls come down the steps with makeup all over them.

She glared at them, before mumbling. "I hate children." Going up the steps. "Y/N! Look we tried to do our makeup just like yours!" They smiled wide coming running to you. You laughed.

"You girls don't need makeup, your too beautiful already." I told them truthfully. "Well, we wanna be beautiful just like you!" Mia said smiling wide.

"Okay girls, you know what you did wrong Right." Justin said standing in front of them making them look down.

"We wanted to be pretty... We're sorry." The replied softly. "No TV or games for a week." He said sternly making them groan. "But daddy!" Mya said sadly.

"Justin, they didn't know any better... They were just trying to have fun, let them slide this once." You joined into the conversation.

He sighed, looking at his two beautiful girls even though they were covered in makeup, they were still beautiful. "Okay, but go wash your faces." He sighed making them cheer.

"Thank you Y/N!" They both hugged your legs making you smile before they ran towards the bathroom.

"They really like you?" Justin smiled looking at them in the bathroom. "I'm good with kids, what can I say." You shrugged smiling.

"Where's there mother?" You asked making Justin's facial expression fall into a sad face.

"She passed away from lung cancer  a few years ago.. When the girls about only a few months.... She found out she had cancer about 5 years after we been together but, the doctors said it wasn't bad enough that she couldn't have kids. She ended up, having twins & sadly the twins made her immune system weak causing her lungs to collapse a few months after the birth." He said biting his lip looking down.

"I-I'm so sorry Justin." You placed your hand on his shoulder to give him comfort.

He smiled grabbing my hand. "Justin!" Stacy yelled coming back down the steps once more. "What the hell?" She spat looking at me and Justin before I pulled away.

"Stacy it's not what it looks like." "What it looks like is you and this little hoe, were about to have something!"

Your facial expression just changed, did this gold digging having ass, looking like she belongs on the street bitch just call you a hoe?"

"Justin she must not know me." You laughed lowly looking at him.

"Stacy stop!" Justin spat. "Stop what! She's the hoe here Justin."

"My kids are around! Have some damn respect!" He gritted through his teeth. "You got one more time to call me a hoe." You gritted through your teeth, you were good at remaining clam.... Up to a point and she was breaking that point real quick.

"Nobody cares about them dumb little girls!" She spat. Justin's face went to pure red. "Get out." He spat lowly.

"W-what?" She replied laughing. "I said, GET OUT, take your shit & leave. Now."

"Your kidding right!" "Either you get out by yourself, or I'll drag you out myself your choice."

"Fine, have fun with your little hoe." She spat. That was the last straw, you took of your heels, tying up your hair, taking out your earring about to go charge at her making her flinch before you felt strong pair of arms pull you back.

"Slow down there," he laughed. "You lucky he holding me back!" You yelled making her scoff. She grabbed her stuff and left, making Justin let you go.

"Oooo, Justin she is so lucky." You paced back and fourth. "She don't know me," you replied feeling your anger build up.

You ranted a bit not hearing Justin before you felt someone grab your face and kiss you passionately taking you off guard. He pulled away looking at you in your eyes.

"I know, this is wrong... For me to kiss you knowing your my assistant, but god damn I been waiting so long to do that." He replied breathlessly.

"What about...." "What about? You mean her. She was just there to help me grieve."

"Grieve off your money." You mumbled, making him laugh. "In all seriousness I know you for about 3 years now & ever since you walked into my office I had to know you, I had to hire you."

"And the girls love you..." He smiled. "I'm not saying this is official, because we would have to go on some real dates first. But, all I'm asking is to give it a try?"

"SAY YES!" Mia and Mya smiled wide looking at you. You laughed and nodded. "Tonight, at 8 my place." He replied. "Your cooking?"

"Just call me Chef Bieber," he smirked brushing off his shoulders.

You felt one of them tug on your leg. You crouched down to there level. "He can't cook." Mia whispered in your ear making you look at Mya and she shaking her head sticking her tongue out.

"Girls! Your suppose to help daddy out." He groaned. "Sorry daddy but it's the truth." Mya replied making Mia nod her head in agreement.

"Take out and a movie?" He offered. "Sounds like a plan."

HEY LOVELIES, so,... This one was so random and I don't even know like it was just in my head. So I wrote whatever popped up. 😂 anyways



Much Love - Alicia

Justin Bieber Imagines / InterracialWhere stories live. Discover now