Baby Virgil (Virgil x Thomas)

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This is one way to start a book... with a ship half the people don't like...

But just look at the picture... IT'S ADORABLE. (Found on Pinterest)

Thomas sighed, and watched as Virgil curled up on the coffee table. "Virgil, honey, you can't sleep there." In response, Virgil just yawned and closed his eyes, leaving Thomas to "awe" at how cute he was, yet be slightly frustrated at the fact that Virgil could not... no would not follow simple instructions. He loved Virgil, but no matter what, the side would always defy something or someone. Thomas watched as the anxious aspects tail wrapped around him, and rested on his hands, and his ears drooped slightly. Thomas smiled, and left him there, allowing him to get some much needed rest.

A few hours later, Virgil woke up, and stretched, purring slightly as he got up. He walked to the kitchen, and sat himself on the counter, reaching into the cupboard to get a glass, and some cookies. He was made jump by his boyfriend walking into the room. He smiled, and hopped down, and sauntered over to him. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, and buried his face into the chest of him. "Well hello to you too." Thomas chuckled, and held his boyfriend close. Virgil purred in response, which prompted Thomas to run his fingers through the smaller male's hair.

The two went to sit in the living room, and watched movies happily cuddling together. Logan soon came out to join them, and asked Virgil to try a potion for him, and after listing the side effects, Virgil agreed, reluctantly.

He drank the concoction and shrugged, telling Logan he felt no different. Logan sighed and nodded, asking them to tell him if anything changed. The two males watched as Logan left, and soon fell asleep, cuddled together on the sofa.

The following morning, Virgil stretched his arms up, and noticed how much larger Thomas was compared to himself. He sighed, and noticed that everything seemed larger. Logan... He'd done this. It was the potion he'd asked Virgil to try. He climbed onto Thomas and woke him up.

"Virgil?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Need... Wogan..." He muttered, causing Thomas to open his eyes, and look at the smaller trait on his lap.

"Virgil... what happened?"

"Wogan... potion..."

Thomas smiled and summoned Logan, who looked as though he'd just rolled out of bed. His hair stuck up all over the place, and his glasses were askew, he was still in his pajamas, and looked half asleep.

"Logan, your potion, we think, worked."

"Oh..." Logan turned to them, before realising where he was, and what he was doing, he quickly sunk out to grab his notebook and look more presentable. When he arrived back in Thomas' living room, Virgil and Thomas weren't to be seen. It wasn't until Logan heard a frustrated sigh coming from the kitchen that he knew where they were.

He walked into the kitchen to see Virgil sat on top of the fridge, and Thomas trying to get him down.

"Help please." Thomas sighed, causing Logan to summon Morality.

"Hey kiddos."

"Dada..." Virgil instantly clambered down, and stumbled over to the fatherly figment. Thomas groaned, and watched as Patton scooped him up and held him close, causing the normally anxious aspect to giggle.

The rest of the day went the same. Virgil would run to Thomas, and cuddle with him for a few minutes, run to the kitchen, climb on the fridge, and wait until Patton was summoned, before climbing down, and running to Patton.

All day, Virgil's tail was still, and calm, his ears stayed perked up, and he was a giggly, happy child. However, his energy soon ran out, and he climbed over to Thomas who was editing. He sat on the host's leg, one of his small legs either side of Thomas', and he rested his head on Thomas' chest, causing the host to put his computer away, and he held his small boyfriend close, allowing Virgil to purr, and the two to fall asleep.

The following morning, Virgil was back to his regular size, and self, his black and purple ears were often tucked down, and his tail twitched almost constantly. Yet, the one thing the sides and Thomas noticed, was that Virgil was a lot more clingy than usual, and didn't wish to leave Thomas' side.

Even though Virgil wasn't too pleased with being turned into a child, he was happy to spend the day with his boyfriend, who let him just be him.

734 words

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Take care

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