Day 4: Bipolar Roman

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Bipolar Disorder: A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs.

Roman sighed and looked at his room. He hadn't left his room in days, and he was almost convinced one of the other sides would come looking for him. Although, they should be used to it by now, he'd always been bipolar, and they knew that. It was strange that he was the only one, but everyone is different, even if they are fractions of a whole being.

He sighed and looked at the door, wondering if he should get up and do something, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd eaten and somewhat taken care of himself, but he was just in a slump, and he couldn't be bothered.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He sighed and called out for them to come in.

Upon seeing who it was, he smiled, and felt slightly better. It didn't matter how bad of a day he was having, if he so much as saw his boyfriend, he felt better.

Patton smiled and walked over to the bed, holding a tray of food for his boyfriend.

"You need to eat, even if it's not much, I feel better when you eat." (WildSpirit27)

"I will, puppy." Roman smiled and sat up, moving over to give his boyfriend room next to him. He ate in silence, listening to Patton talk about their fellow sides, and how everything has been strangely quiet without him around. He didn't mind their presence, but sometimes he couldn't get out of bed, and he felt guilty when it happened.


"Yeah?" Patton turned to him with a grin on his face, and it made Roman's heart beat that bit faster.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Patton grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I hope you can get up and join us later, we want to have a movie night and we would love for you to join. You don't have to, but if you can?"

"I will do my best." Roman smiled, a small, genuine smile, and pulled Patton in for a soft kiss. The first he'd had over the past few days.

He never remembered much from his slumps, if they could be called that, but he always tried to think of something positive, even if it was the same thing, which it usually was.


That evening, even if he hadn't gotten dressed, he left his room for the first time that week, and sat next to his boyfriend on the sofa. It wasn't much, but it showed his slow climb back to one of his manic high times. And even if they only lasted a week, it was nice to see Roman up and about, and being jovial.

Even if he wasn't always happy, they loved him for him, and they wanted to do everything in their power to make him as comfortable as possible, and it may take time, but Roman was Roman and it didn't matter how he went through life, as long as he was there with them, because they needed him.

523 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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