A/N - New Book

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So, hey! 

I have had this book idea in the works for a little while now, and I've just got around to finishing the first chapter. A little word or warning though, the book will talk about irregular eating patterns, and depression. It's going to be relatively prominent for the first chapter or two, but only mentioned briefly. It's going to be laced throughout, but nothing major. The book itself is pretty much fluffy. The last chapter may be relatively sad, but you'll understand why if and when you read the first chapter, or even the description. 

It's a Prinxiety and Logicality fic, which I know a lot of you like. The first chapter is 2345 words, and I doubt the rest of the chapters will be that long, but I'm aiming for 1,000 words a chapter, however it could vary. I was going to make it a oneshot, but it would have been excessively long. So I made it a book. 

It's called "11 Days" 


Human Au

After many months of being apart, Virgil and Roman finally get to see Logan and Patton again. Virgil's anxiety only hinders him slightly, and the four of them are set to have a great time. 

Read on to follow their adventures, and to see if it all remains happy. 

I may edit the description because a) I'm terrible and them and b) I have no idea what to put. 

It is all fluff, so don't worry too much about that. I may end up having a small angsty section in there, but it won't be very much, maybe a few hundred words in a chapter. Nothing much. 

So yeah, if you want to go and read that, I'd appreciate it, if not that's fine. 

Also, I may put "Boarding School" and "To Come Of Age" on hold for a while, until I manage to a) get ideas for them, and b) don't have other books I'm working on. 

Currently, I have this book, and two others I'm working on, and one in the works, but that other one won't be out for a while, because I suck at getting books out, so I want to try and write the majority of that one before I publish it. 

Anyway, hope you do go and read it. Because I'm very anxious about your thought on it, which makes me feel pretty bad, and yeah... I'll stop going on now. 

Take care


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