Types Of Kisses (All Original Pairs) 3/4

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Pure unadulterated fluff... Because we always need more fluff... 

Alos, I know the last 2/3 were short, and bad, I ran out of ideas, and I wanted to get more out to you tonight, and yeah... I hope they're still cute enough though... 

Unedited. (Please point out any errors.)

11) Analogical

Logan sighed, his mind racing over all the possibilities. See, he'd had a crush on a certain anxious aspect, and he had yet to confess his feelings towards said side. He was definitely nervous about confessing, since he'd never experienced anything of the sort before. He'd been pacing in his room for hours, and he was sure the creaking of floorboards, and the sound of feet padding back and forth was going to cause someone to walk to his room and tell him to stop, but he kind of wanted it to happen, they may be able to help him with his dilemma of how he was going to talk to Virgil about his issue. 

A knock at the door caused his pacing to stop, and he opened it to reveal the trait he had been meaning to talk to. He noticed Virgil's hair was sticking up all over the place, and his eyes were rimmed with red, and slightly puffy, his makeup had run down his cheeks, and was smudged around his eyes. Tears still threatened to fall, and Logan could see that, thus, he opened his door, and allowed the anxious facet into his room. "Virgil?" Logan queried, causing said trait to turn to him, and of possible, he looked even closer to tears. Virgil's hands twitched by his side, and he was fighting the urge to run forward and allow himself to be wrapped in the arms of the logical lineament. "I... He... You..." Virgil's breathing was sporadic, he'd tried to calm himself down, Logan could tell, yet it hadn't seemed to work. "Lo-gan..." He muttered, trying to get his words to form, and allow himself to form a sentence and get what he wanted said. Logan just watched him, patiently. He wasn't going to push the anxious aspect, he deemed it unnecessary. "Ro-man said... I-I have to tell y-you..." Logan frowned slightly, and watched as the tears returned to Virgil's eyes, threatening to spill, however, Virgil couldn't hold them back, and they fell, sobs wracked his small frame and he collapsed to the floor, a small ball, knees to his chest, arms around his legs. He wasn't rocking back and forth, yet he wasn't still. His hands were shaking, and he kept shaking his head, telling someone to "stop it." The sight broke Logan's heart, metaphorically, and he walked over to the side on the floor. "Virgil, can you hear me?" Virgil nodded, and extended a hand out, allowing Logan to take it, a sort of grounding mechanism the two had used many times before.  "Breathe for me?" Logan asked, knowing Virgil wouldn't appreciate demands. 

Shortly after, Virgil had calmed down slightly, and he was able to talk, however, he chose not to. Logan watched him with concern, and saw how his gaze unfocused, and he zoned out. "Virgil?" Logan's voice pulled him back, and he flushed slightly. He opened his mouth to talk, but a knock at the door cut him off. Logan let go of Virgil's hand, and answered the door. "Is Virgil in here?" Roman asked. Logan nodded, eyebrows furrowed together. Roman barged past him, ignoring Logan's statement about invasion of privacy. "Why did you do it? Thomas was perfectly fine, and then you have to go and have an attack, and he just had a meltdown in front of us all, why can't you just do your job?" 

Virgil looked up at Roman with wide eyes, and Logan stepped in. "If you will, Roman, Virgil was suffering the attack from whatever it was that you told him to tell me. He was rather anxious about the situation, and he was barely able to get out five words before he broke down and his own anxiety engulfed him." Roman blinked a few times, taken aback by Logan's outburst, before apologizing quietly, and leaving the room. Logan sat with Virgil, and took his hand again. "Are you alright?" Virgil nodded slightly, and looked at Logan with fear in his eyes. 

"Logan?" He questioned.

"I am here."

"He wanted me t-to tell you how I felt about you." Virgil's voice caught in his throat half way through, yet Logan ignored it, and waited for Virgil to  continue. "I-I.. I uhm..."

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