Puppy?!?! (Moxiety)

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Why do all the requests turn out bad?


Virgil had a rather large secret. He kept it in his room, and refused to tell the others, he knew it would only be a matter of time before they all found out, but he couldn't allow them to know.

He was sat in his room, his secret laying on his lap, when his boyfriend came bounding in. "Virgil! I..." He trailed off. "Is that a dog?"

"Y-yes?" Virgil replied hesitantly.

"Puppy!!!" Patton shrieked, causing both Virgil and the dog to shy away.

"Sorry, I got excited."

"I noticed." Virgil groaned, and shooed the dog off his lap, so he could talk to Patton better. "You cannot tell anyone, especially Logan, he'll make me get rid of her, and she helps me with my attacks." Patton promised he wouldn't tell anyone, and the dog remained their secret.


Virgil was in the midst of a rather bad panic attack, when his dog ran out of his room, which was left open, accidentally, by his boyfriend.

Roman was soon bought into the room, by the dog, and he helped calm Virgil down. As soon as the anxious aspect was calm, Roman questioned him about the dog.

"A dog?"


"Logan will freak out..."

"I know. Please don't tell him."

"I won't but, you have to know, you do anything that annoys me, I will tell him."



A week or so had passed, and Virgil was being driven insane, he hadn't been able to insult Princey for days, and he needed to.

"I swear Roman, you let me insult you one time, or I'll bash your head in."

"Logan!" Roman called, the logical lineament appearing almost immediately.


"Virgil's-" A hand clamped over Roman's mouth, and the anxious side looked at him pleadingly. After a few minutes of struggle, Roman finally removed Virgil's hand, "Virgil is keeping a dog in his room."

"He what?"

"Roman!" Virgil looked at Roman, slightly hurt, he thought Roman was supposed to be his friend, he understood the whole blackmailing concept, but he couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed.

"Virgil is keeping a dog in his room." Roman Uttered, ignoring Virgil's exclamation.

"I must see this for myself." The three traits walked to Virgil's room, and opened the door, where they were met with a grey husky, wagging her tail.

"It must go." Logan stated simply.

Virgil's eyes widened with horror, and filled with tears, "She can't." He uttered, unable to comprehend what he was hearing.

"She must." Logan walked off, not saying anything else.

"I hope you're happy." Virgil hissed, venom dripping from his words, and he slammed the door in Roman's face, rushing to his bed, tears falling. He fell asleep, cuddled up to his dog's side, hoping he'd be able to convince Logan to keep her.


After a week of Virgil hiding away in his room with his Husky, Logan had had enough, he went and knocked on the anxious traits room, receiving a "come in." Virgil looked up and saw it was the logical lineament. He sighed, and called his dog over to him, and put her leash on, her tail wagged, and the two walked to the Imagination. Logan followed to make sure it was really what was going to happen. Patton and Roman showed up along the way, and Patton was ready to comfort his boyfriend.

Virgil knelt down, and removed the lead. "You have to go now." He muttered, in a hushed tone. His dog looked at him, and tilted her head. Tears fell freely from his face, and he stood up, she whined at him, waiting for him to play with her. He turned away, unable to look at her, knowing what he was doing.

He walked over to Logan, and stared at him, "I hope you're happy. She helped me more than you'll ever know." Virgil stalked off to his room, and locked himself away.

The husky sat on the grass, wondering why her owner had walked away. "Logan..." Patton tried.

"Leave." Logan spoke harshly. Patton bowed his head and walked away, Roman soon following.

Logan took one last glance at the dog and walked away.


Virgil wouldn't leave his room, no matter how hard the others tried.

Logan was the one to finally cave, and he went to the Imagination, only to find the husky where she had been left a week prior, she had eaten, it was obvious from the discarded litter that lay around her.

He whistled and she came running up to him. He sent her to Virgil's room, where she sat, and scraped at the door.

Virgil opened the door, his eyes red, and puffy, gaze hardened. He softened and broke when he saw who was sat outside his door. He cried, tears of joy streaming down his face, and he hugged the dog. He looked up to see Logan standing there awkwardly. He got up and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." He muttered.


Patton knocked on Virgil's door that evening, and received a "come in." He walked in to see a grin on his boyfriend's face, and his dog on his bed. Virgil walked over to Patton, his eyes wild, and grin never faltering. "He caved... I got her back." He pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips, and pulled him into the room. Virgil was loopy with happiness, yet he continued to pepper kisses over his boyfriend's face, and the two lay, and played with their husky for the rest of the evening.

919 words

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Take care


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