NB Roman (LAMP) {fluff}

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Virgil sighed and looked across the room to Roman. They seemed to be more distracted than normal, which was saying something. Normally, they would be disrupting the class, and making everyone laugh, but today, they weren't saying anything, they weren't paying attention, and they weren't writing anything down. Because of this, Virgil made sure to write everything down for them to copy over later, when they were going to focus on the work.

The bell rang, and Virgil packed away his stuff, glancing back over to Roman, who still hadn't moved. That worried Virgil. Even if they didn't mess around in the lesson, they would always be one of the first out of the door.

"Roman?" Virgil stood next to them, resting a hand on their shoulder, smiling sadly when they jumped slightly.

"Hey, Virge, what's up?"

"Class ended a few minutes ago, are you okay? You've been oddly quiet this morning, and in all honesty, it's quite scary."

"Yeah, I'm okay, just tired."

Virgil frowned. Liar. He accused in his mind, but he wouldn't ever dare say it to his date mate's face, he was terrified of hurting them, and if it meant not calling them out, he wouldn't. Virgil loved them, but sometimes, he wished they would be more honest.

"You don't believe me, do you?" They spoke up after a minute, and Virgil shook his head, meeting their gaze. They did look tired, but Virgil was convinced that wasn't the entirety of the problem.

"Can we go somewhere? Then we can go and find Logan and Patton?"

"Okay, but please be honest with me."


"Whether you're okay or not."

They nodded, and Virgil reached out for their hand, pulling them up, out of their seat, and close to him. Roman leaned down and pecked Virgil's lips, making Virgil smile fondly.

The two walked for a while until they made it to the front of the school, where there were a few benches and the walls, for students to sit on.

They sat on the wall closest to the school, knowing it wouldn't be long before their boyfriends started looking for them.

"I am tired, I didn't lie about that." Roman started, sending a glance to Virgil, who smiled fondly at him. "But you have every right to not believe that. I'm sure you know there is more to it than just being tired." They sighed, and looked down, fiddling with their fingers.

Virgil reached over, and laced their fingers together, his smile fading when Roman didn't look up at him.

"I wanted to tell my parents, I really did, but they... They were so happy last night, and I'm always the one ruining things for them, and I don't want to be the reason they're so upset anymore. I feel so guilty when I upset them, or make them have to change something. First I'm gay, then I want to do drama, then I have 3 boyfriends, and now I'm non-binary? I'm not exactly being fair, am I?"

"Roman, you can't control who you are, or who you love. And, if you're non-binary, wouldn't you have to rethink the whole gay thing? I'm not trying to add more to your plate, I just realised is all."

"I know. And I want to, it's just so hard because I have everything else to figure out, and I don't want to upset anyone else." Tears filled their eyes, and Virgil pulled them into a tight hug.

"You aren't upsetting anyone but yourself, Romeo, you're the one getting hurt, you're the one getting stressed, and staying up too late. You're the one who is being affected the most. I love you so much, and if I could take any of this away, I would, in a heartbeat, and you know that. Roman, I love you more than anything, other than Pat and Lo, and I want to help you, but unless you let me in and tell me, I can't. I'm not a mind reader. Thank you for telling me, but please don't feel like it's your fault, because it's not. Not at all."

"But, V, I just..."

"I know you feel guilty, and you want to please everyone, and I know how hard it is listening to yourself get misgendered by your parents because you haven't told them anything about who you are. I've been there, remember."

"Oh yeah, when you came out as a demiboy." Roman sniffled, and looked at their boyfriend.

"They still call me he, even when I've told them it's a they day. It takes time for them to realise, but they're getting there, it's been a few months, and I expect them to make mistakes, but Dad is getting there, and he keeps correcting Pop if he makes a mistake. Your parents will get there, and they love you so much, Roman, but don't rush into it, and if you need me there, I will be."

"Thank you, star."

Virgil flushed at the nickname, and looked down, smiling. "I hate when you call me that." He mumbled, knowing they both knew he didn't, but Roman smiled, and tilted his head up anyway.

"I know you don't." They smiled, a genuine smile, and Virgil couldn't help but let his own smile grow.

"No, I don't." He placed his free hand on Roman's cheek, and led them closer to him. Their lips touched, and it didn't take long for the kiss to become something special, something important. They were parted by someone clearing their throat behind them, and as they looked back, Patton was stood with a frown tugging at his lips, and Logan stood just behind him.

"You didn't show up!" He pouted more.

"Sorry, sun, I had to talk to V." Roman smiled, and stood up, pulling their boyfriend in for a soft kiss.

Virgil glanced at Logan as he sat next to him. "Are they alright?"

"They will be, they just need a lot of support."

Logan smiled, and reached over to lace their hands together. Virgil leaned against Logan, and smiled as he draped an arm over his shoulders, using his other hand to hold Virgil's hand again.

Patton quickly pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek, and sat in front of him, leaning against his legs, Roman doing the same to Logan, before sitting beside Patton.

"I love you all, you know that right?" Roman spoke up, glancing at each of their boyfriends.

"We do. And I love you too."

"Me three." Patton piped up.

"Me four." Virgil smiled and looked at them, only to see them smiling back at him.

"Good. Thank you." He mumbled, and the four of them stayed together, talking about anything and nothing for the rest of lunch, content to be in one another's company, ready to face anything life threw at them.

1137 words

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