I Won't Fight Au {1/2} (Prinxiety)

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This is literally fluff, the second part won't be. Just putting that out there. It's a memory I guess?


T.W. Brief mentions of killing someone (Not actual death)

He sat in the abandoned park, no one ever went there, so they would never suspect a young boy hiding from his bullies. "They will find you, you know?" A voice spoke from next to him, causing him to jump slightly, and turn, where he came face to face with another boy, about his age. Bright green eyes pierced his own, and tousled brown hair swept across his forehead, occasionally shifting, due to the evening breeze.

"Who?" He pretended to play dumb, he didn't know who it was that was stood in front of him, and he didn't want to risk anything.

"Those guys chasing you out of the school. They know this place like the back of your hand. If you want to go somewhere safe, follow me." The stranger extended their hand out, and he looked at it skeptically. "You can stay here, but it won't be pleasant when they find you." They shrugged, and he sighed, taking the stranger's hand.

He let them lead him to a small wooded area, where they both ducked under a bush, and found themselevs to the side of a small clearing.

"Are you sure you brought me here to keep me safe? It sure seems like you could get away with murder right now."

They chuckled, and as he met their gaze, he saw a kindness and friendliness he hadn't seen there before. "No. I wouldn't. Despite us being slightly further away from an abandoned area, people can hear a lot if they get to a certain point. These trees aren't very thick, and we would be found in an instant, if you screamed."

"So, stranger, since we could be stuck here a while, who are you?"

"I'm Roman. We share a few classes. Drama being one, though I'm not sure why you take it, you never act or anything, and you seem rather reserved."

"Oh. I had to take it. And I have to pass it, otherwise I will not be able to graduate."

"You're failing the class though, because you never do anything."

"Don't remind me."

"There is one way that you could pass, you know? It's an automatic A."

"Yeah right."

"There is!"

"And what might this miracle be?"

"You have to audition and perform in the end of year production."

"Hell no. I'd rather fail, and have to resit my senior year."

"You'd still have to take drama."

"I'll redo my year as many times as I have to until they get sick of me. I refuse to perform."

"Why? What's the worst that could happen?"

"I could mess everything up, and humiliate myself, giving everyone more of a reason to laugh at me, and hate me."

"Not everyone hates you."

"Oh yeah? Who doesn't hate me?"

"Me. Your friend."

"Who? Logan?"


"He's not my friend. He was stuck with me for an English project and we just kind of cross paths and sit together occasionally."

"Sounds like a friend to me."

"I can't talk to him about anything."


"Have you seen him? I was supposed to crush on him and never have him notice me. He'd hate me if he knew how I felt. God, I sound so stupid."

"It sounds like you should try and talk to him about it."

"Why? So he can laugh in my face and talk about me behind my back, and never talk to me again. I can't deal with that!"

"Do you text him?"

"Yeah... Sometimes."

"Maybe text it to him."

"No, because then I can't see his reaction."

"Fine. Okay. Hey, do you think I could get your number?"

"Uh sure. Why?"

"I don't know, you seem cool."

"Ok... Um..." He handed his phone over and retrieved Roman's, where he put him name as 'Virgil :)'

When he got his phone back, he smiled as he saw a new contact, and a new text.


The aforementioned male grinned at him, saluted and walked away, calling back to him "You'll thank me later."

"I'm going to kill you." He sighed and never realised that those words would come back and haunt him.

685 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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