Evidence (LAMP) {fluff}

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They had been sitting facing one another, their legs a tangled mess, but they didn't care. The way they were sat gave them easy access to the other, and made it so easy to just take the other in.

Logan wasn't one for affection, or anything of the sort, but since he had joined Patton's, Roman's, and Virgil's relationship, he found it rather pleasing, and he enjoyed feeling his boyfriend's next to him.

Logan's legs were next to Virgil's waist, and Virgil's were by Logan's waist, their legs weren't in the way, and the distance between them wasn't too great, nor too small, and they enjoyed the close proximity, without finding it too overwhelming.

Virgil was the one to initiate it. He wasn't sure what came over him, but since Logan had joined their relationship, he and Logan had yet to kiss, and he was craving it.

"Can I please kiss you?" He asked, his voice quiet, and his eyes downcast, focusing on his hands in Logan's.

"Of course." Logan smiled, and tilted his head up.

Virgil nodded, and let out a shaky breath. He went to pull his hands out of Logan's but found Logan had already let go, allowing him movement.

He moved his hand up to cup Logan's cheek, and leaned in, ignoring the slight pain he felt in his thighs from the unusual movement. He pressed his lips to Logan's and felt him melt under his touch.

Their lips moved together perfectly, and, although neither of them wanted it, they parted all too soon.

Logan's hands had found their way to Virgil's hair, and had pushed his hood back slightly.

"I didn't realise how good kissing you felt." Virgil breathed out, and smiled sheepishly.

"Would it have changed anything?"

"I doubt it, but I'd like to think it would have."

Logan smiled and pressed a kiss to Virgil's forehead. They moved to Logan's bed, and proceeded to fall asleep.


The first thing Virgil woke up to, was his phone vibrating.


"What's up?" He murmured, trying not to wake up Logan, however, Patton seemed to succeed in it when he screeched through the phone.

"You didn't tell me you and Logan kissed!"

"Because we fell asleep not long after?" Virgil rubbed his forehead and frowned. "Wait, how do you know?"

"Roman caught you guys, and posted it online."

"I'm going to murder him." Virgil hung up the phone and groaned.

"What happened?" Logan asked, groggily.

"Roman happened." Virgil sighed and opened up his social media, and found the picture Roman uploaded.

He showed Logan his phone, and the logical side rolled his eyes.

"I won't stop you."

Virgil sighed and rolled out of bed. "If you hear screams, and you know who they belong to, don't come running." He muttered, and went to find a certain Royal Pain.

"Roman, you dunce, why would you do something like this, Logan will see it and question why it's there, and I'll have to explain it, and then I'll have to explain that our idiot of a boyfriend decided to share our relationship online, even though it was none of their..."

Roman rolled his eyes, and pressed a kiss to Virgil's lips, shutting him up, and when they parted, Virgil's words hung unfinished in the air, his face a red mess, and he couldn't think clearly.

"Thank goodness you stopped."

"What was that for?" Virgil finally found his voice.

"To shut you up, of course. Logan wouldn't care. And if he did, I'd take it down."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am." He winked, and walked away, leaving Virgil confused, and ready to curl up and scream.

"You don't know him like you think you do." Virgil called after him, and sighed when Roman just sent him a grin.


That evening, the four sides sat cuddled up on the sofa, watching a movie, the events of that morning were no longer in their minds, and they were happy to sit and cuddle, relishing in the comfort of their boyfriends.

673 words

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