I Wish It Were True (Logince)

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Unedited (and possibly bad and weird)

It isn't angst. I promise. Not yet anyway. :D

"Maybe it's best this way, maybe we need to get over the fact that we should be together, because it's not real." Roman spoke, his arms moving about more than should be normal.

"I wish it were true." Logan muttered, not wanting to draw the attention to himself, he knew his and Roman's relationship was rocky, but he loved the way it made him feel. He loved the way Roman made his heart feel fluttery, and the way Roman looked at him. Of course they had arguments, it was completely natural, but Logan wouldn't have it any other way. He wouldn't give up their relationship for the world. They would sneak around in the quiet of night, going stargazing, and talking about anything and nothing all at the same time. He loved Roman, and he wasn't ashamed to admit it, but it seemed like his companion had other ideas. 

"Logan, we can't keep doing this, I can't keep lying to them, and pretending what we have is nothing. Because it's everything to me, and it's so hard trying to resist snuggling up to you on the sofa."

"And you think us breaking up will change that?" Logan couldn't help but let the emotion seep into his voice. He couldn't stand the idea of not being with Roman. He wanted to be with him, even if it meant telling Thomas, Patton, and Virgil. Even if it meant losing their nights alone, or their secret conversations. 

"No, but maybe. I think we'd have to try."

"Roman, Virgil and Patton are together, and I am almost convinced they wouldn't care. They would probably expect it. I do not want to lose you. I... I love you. And I don't care what anyone else would say, I want to be with you, and I want to call you my own. I want you to be mine, more than anything, and if it meant giving up everything else, I would do it in an instant. I sound pathetic, and this is unlike me, but I would give up my world just to make you happy."

Roman stood and watched Logan, neither knew how the other really felt, but Logan knew that if he put himself out, Roman would soon follow. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Roman, I want nothing more than to watch movies with you snuggled up to me, or for us to sit and talk in the kitchen and steal kisses whilst the other two are preoccupied. I do not want to hide this away anymore."

"You don't? I thought that was why we were doing this, because you didn't want to show us off, and be that 'flashy' couple."

"That was originally the intention, but things change. I changed my mind. I do not want to lose you. If showing this off is what it takes, then I will gladly do that. I just want you." Logan took a step closer to Roman, and sent him a smile. Logan felt elated when he was with Roman, and he didn't want that to change. 

"Then okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause anything bad, I just... I struggle sometimes, and I just want everyone to know, even though it's not what you want."

"I want to make you happy, and if this is what it takes, then that is fine." Roman smiled and pulled Logan closer. "I love you, Logan." 

"I love you too." Logan smiled, genuinely happy, and let Roman pull him into a kiss. It was short and sweet, but it made both parties happier.

And if Patton happened to walk in on them, they made no excuse, they just let it happen, and they were happy, which was all that mattered. 

621 words

My good friend (You know who you are, I just can't tag you for whatever reason -.-) can tell you that I had some pretty dark ideas for an end to this, and I feel bad, because I may just write them at some point in the future. And that I'm in a strange mood right now, so I may have many a typos because I'm typing too fast for my hands to type correctly. XD

Hope you enjoyed

Take care


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