A/N November

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So, November starts in almost 3 months, and it holds some pretty interesting things.

One of which is NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. It's a thing to help people write more. The objective is to write a 50,000 word 'novel' in the month. Starting on the 1st and ending on the 30th.

I have been planning on participating in it this year, (Don't hold me to it, but I'm going to try.) and I have been thinking, 50,000 words is a lot, so what if we try to collaborate on it, I can make it a new book, and during November, I can get ideas from you all, and we can try and make a 50,000 word book, where we don't have to feel overwhelmed with the word count, but enjoy what it is that we're doing.

What am I saying?

Also, November will signal my 1st complete year of being active on Wattpad. I have had my account for 5 years now, but I have never been this active on it, I never saw the point in putting stuff out, I always gave up. So, in November, I will try and get a lot more done. Especially around the 16th. Because that will be the 1 year anniversary of my 1st oneshot book, (which is at 100k reads, well more than that, but its a nice number,) So, I want to do some things for you.

What would you want to see in here? In November, I will dedicate the month to you, I can't guarantee that I won't be slightly overwhelmed, but I will do my best to make you all feel heard, whether you need to rant, or to read something specific, or see me attempt art, whatever it is, let me know, and I will do my best to get it out.

I want you all to think for a moment, what made you stay around, why do you still go through my onehsots? Do you have a favourite? Is there any particular one that you go and reread whenever you feel down? Let me know.

So, November will be about you, my followers, readers, and friends. And we will make this book (Or maybe a third book) the most welcoming place to be. And we will do our best to produce a 50,000 word novel, that I will either update periodically throughout the month, or upload in full at the end of the month.

Take care

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