It Took Me By Surprise (Virgil x Deceit / Analogical)

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Based on It Took Me By Surprise by Maria Mena

T.W. Toxic Relationship? And Anxiety.

This didn't go quite as planned, but I hope it's okay?

Deceit cowered in the corner of his room. How could he have been so stupid as to think he felt the same way back. He wouldn't ever like him too. He was the embodiment of anxiety, why would he like him back? Of course he would think Deceit was lying, since that was what he was all about, and Anxiety was just anxiety, he would be too scared, too anxious, to let anyone into his life. And when Anxiety had hesitated in his response, Deceit had left the room, and locked himself away, too scared to do anything, to see what he was going to say.


Anxiety would often help deceit, with anything. He wouldn't question it. Deceit wanted cuddles? Done. Movie night? Done. Deceit's choice of food? Done. Even if he didn't like it, or want it, or if his anxiety was getting the better of him, he would do anything for Deceit. He thought he loved him, he thought that was what love was.


Deceit smiled and continued to tease Anxiety. He only meant it as fun, but when he turned to him with tears in his eyes, he realised how far he'd really pushed Anxiety, and it wasn't the first time.

"Can you please stop." He managed out, before he walked out of the room, and locked his door behind him.

Deceit just watched out of shock, he'd never spoken up like that before, and in that moment, Deceit realised how far he must have gone to upset Anxiety.


Deceit and Anxiety were cuddling on the former's bed, and Anxiety was on the verge of falling asleep, when Deceit spoke up.

"Am I a good boyfriend?"

In his half asleep state, muttered a "yes", and the conversation was never brought up again, if only Anx had realised what he said, and then maybe things would have ended there, or maybe he would have promised to be better, or Anx would have backtracked, not realising Deceit lied, but it was left alone, and it wasn't a good thing.


Their relationship wasn't good, and before long, Deceit knew it was best to let it go. That day, he'd never seen Anxiety's eyes so devoid of emotion. He was beyond crying, beyond angry. Any anger he felt during their relationship had long gone, and any fear he had over losing Deceit was also gone. Their feelings didn't align any longer, and it was time to let it go.


The next time Deceit and Virgil were in the same room together, he wasn't surprised when he saw the anger dancing in Virgil's eyes. Virgil wouldn't stop glaring, and he had no intention on getting closer to Deceit, not when he hurt him so badly.

After their relationship ended, Virgil locked himself away, and it wasn't until recently that he had decided to leave his room and try to get back on track. Even though the other sides loved him as a family, he couldn't help but feel excluded, and he wasn't happy.


Deceit watched from the side as Logan talked to Virgil. He couldn't hear the whole thing, but he made out that it was Logan asking Virgil either on a date or to be his boyfriend.

Deceit saw the damage he had done to Virgil, and how terrified he looked to be stood there, and be asked the same question Deceit had asked him a year ago.

He said yes, and Deceit was upset that he definitely had lost Virgil. But maybe it was for the best, they weren't good together. He just wanted Virgil to be happy.


Virgil glared at him, and Deceit felt the last of his small world shattering. The man he loved no longer loved him. He moved on, and Deceit should have known he would.

Virgil's fingers were laced with Logan's, and the two stood there looking at him with clear distaste in their eyes. Virgil's eyes were full of anger, and Deceit internally froze. Who knew the man that once looked at him with adoration could turn on him, and look at him with unadulterated fury? He made a mistake, and he would never hurt Virgil again. He would walk away, and leave Virgil's life if that was what it took. He'd be around for Thomas, but Virgil had no want for him, and he was making that clear.

"I'm sorry, Virgil." He thought to himself as he sunk out. He messed up, and now he was going to pay the price.

747 words

1) ew
2) I'm sorry!

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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