Introduction Pt2 (Prinxiety)

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Before we get into this, I just need you guys to know, I have a lot going on, and if you want to know, I can tell you, but it'll more than likely be private, because I do not want it up here. If any of you want to, add me on snapchat (xxjordanrxx) I'm more likely to reply there. Just make sure you tell me who you are, because I don't always answer if I don't know. I'm trying to keep my mind occupied, and I'm working on staying calm, but it's hard (BearLover115 and FandomsUnited_Always know why). Anyway, I'll shut up, add my snapchat if you want.


Unedited (sorry it's bad)

T.W. Death, Depression, Minor Argument, Hospitals. (If I miss any, let me know.)

Virgil, Roman, and Patton walked home from the ice cream parlor, Virgil dreading being back at home. He knew things were getting worse, and he didn't want to be alone. He knew he wasn't alone, but he wouldn't be with Roman. His grip on Roman's hand tightened, and he sighed shakily. Roman dropped Virgil's hand and pulled him closer, resting his hand on Virgil's waist. Virgil smiled weakly, and leaned into his boyfriend's touch.

"Can you come inside, please, even if it's only for a minute?" Virgil looked at Roman, who sighed sadly.

"You know I can't, I already risked a lot by staying with you this long. You know how my parents get, especially when they know it's you."

"What's their problem with me, anyway?"

"I don't know, I wish I could tell you. It's not fair, I know that."

Virgil sighed sadly, and watched Patton skip ahead, into the house. Once the front door shut, Virgil turned to Roman, and sighed.

"I love you, and it's so difficult being in there without help. I'm sorry if I get you into trouble."

"It's worth it, because I love you. I'll stop by in the morning, and we can try and walk to school together?"

"Okay. Please be careful." Roman smiled, and pressed a soft kiss to Virgil's forehead, and reassured him that he would be.

Virgil watched Roman walk down the street, and turn the corner, before he walked into the house. He knew he had homework, and he had to make food, and check in on his mother, but all he wanted to do, was collapse and sleep and cry.

He placed his bag at the bottom of the stairs, and went to the kitchen, where he prepared food, and got it cooking. He then went to his mother, and made sure she was okay, after introducing himself again. When he finally got around to doing his homework, it was nearing midnight, and he was wiped out.


The sun began to rise, and Virgil dragged a hand down his face. He'd gotten no sleep, which was common lately, and he'd managed to finally finished his homework.

He checked the time, and groaned, it was 5am, and he had to get Patton up and ready, and off to school.


He met Roman back at his house, and sighed. He wanted nothing more than to drag his boyfriend up into his bed, and for the two of them to cuddle and sleep, but he knew it would never happen.

"You didn't get into too much trouble did you?" Virgil asked, as soon as he reached Roman. 

"No, they weren't too thrilled, but they were okay, I guess." Roman replied sadly.



"What's wrong? You're normally not this sad."

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