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T.W. Death.

There used to be six of us... Now I'm alone.

How I survived, I don't know. I'm the least resourceful, least useful, least worthwhile out of us. I was useless when it came to doing anything. I couldn't put up a tent, start a fire, catch food, or anything. Logan told us what to do. Patton and Thomas put up the tents, Roman and Deceit did the hunting. I just watched. I didn't want to help, I didn't want to get involved. I wasn't even supposed to be there. It was this family bonding exercise. A family in which I did not belong.

I wanted to help, I just couldn't. I didn't know how to. I tried, I tried a few times, but I ended up making it worse.

I scared off the food, I made the tents collapse, and nearly break, and when it came to choosing a spot to camp out, I nearly got us killed.

I don't blame them for getting annoyed with me, I messed it all up. Maybe one day I will be reunited with them, but for now, I'm alone, and it's all my fault.

191 words

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