Transformation Complete (LAMP) {fluff}

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in about a week, I've started college, and I'm suffering from writers block, and whatnot, so I'm sorry. I'll try and write more, but I can't promise anything right now.

But for now, enjoy this messy, weird, and I don't know why I wrote it this way, but I did, and I hope it's at least half decent, oneshot.

T.W. Dysphoria, and Mild Arguments? It also starts kinda angsty, but not really, it's okay. It's fluff.

When it first started, Logan never anticipated falling for the other two sides, he thought he was going to be happy with his boyfriend, not wishing he would be able to have multiple boyfriends. He thought there was something wrong with him, something that shouldn't happen, he was a man of logic, and everything defied all logic.

It started when he was uncomfortable in his own skin. He'd smile and say he was fine, say nothing bothered him, and it was all okay. It wasn't. When he was alone, he'd let the mask fall, and he'd let it all consume him, eat away at him, suffocate him.

He'd sit in his room, and wonder why he was so wrong, what he did to deserve it all. Of course, it raised questions, why was he the odd one out? Why was he so different? Why was he female? He didn't feel female, he didn't feel happy, or content, he just wanted to get out of the body he was born in.

Six months later, he bought Virgil into it, talked to him, tried to see what was wrong with him. Virgil seemed to help more than they both thought he would, and Virgil began to spend more and more time with Logan, trying to help him come to terms with it all.

Transgender. Logan researched it, found he was female to male, and the times he spent alone in his room, suffocating in everything that felt wrong, he realised was dysphoria. The times he felt completely out of his skin, and out of place in his life, was the dysphoria.

Virgil helped Logan alter his clothing, helped him with the dysphoria, and told him that due to them being sides, he was able to change his appearance if need be.

After a couple of months of the two spending time together, Logan developed feelings for Virgil, and to Roman and Patton, it was obvious that they liked one another, but Logan was terrified of Virgil's reaction. Would he be repulsed by the idea of dating someone who looked female? Would he laugh in his face and hate him? He knew they were stupid thoughts, and he was jumping to conclusions, but he didn't care, he was terrified of losing Virgil. Little did he know, Virgil felt the same way.

Eventually, after a push in the right direction, more like a shove from Roman, Logan finally confessed to Virgil. They ended up becoming boyfriends a few days later. By this time, Logan still wasn't out to Patton and Roman, and Virgil was being teased relentlessly for being the only 'straight' one there.

It hurt them both, Virgil wasn't straight, well, unless you consider wet spaghetti straight, and Logan was being called a girl, which made his dysphoria worse. He didn't need the reminder that he was trapped in the body he hated.

Four months after he began dating Virgil, he decided to transition. He and Virgil set about helping him get into the mindset to change that little bit every day. He had yet to come out, but he didn't mind waiting a while. He wanted to look the part more than he wanted to be gendered correctly. Looking more male would help him feel better when he did come out.

He and Virgil continued going strong together, and by their tenth month together, they thought nothing would be able to come between them, not until Logan realised he began to feel strongly towards Roman.

Roman was the worst culprit for misgendering Logan, so he didn't know why he fell hard and fast for him, but he did, and he was terrified to tell Virgil that he had. He wasn't supposed to like Roman. He had a boyfriend! They both did!

Logan slowly became more and more distant from Virgil, and neither realised what was happening, neither wanted it to happen, but it was, and they didn't know how to stop it, they didn't know what to do.

Logan still loved Virgil, much like Virgil loved him, but as time went on, Logan couldn't help but have his feelings for Roman intensify. It didn't take long for them to talk about it, talk about what was going on. Neither thought it was going to happen to them.

They knew it was a thing, but they didn't know they would know that feeling. They sat Patton and Roman down and explained everything. How Logan was male, not female, how they liked more than one person. Virgil liked Patton, and Logan and Logan liked Roman and Virgil. They found out, Roman liked both Patton and Logan, and Patton liked Virgil and Roman. They'd all agreed that maybe a polyamorous relationship was in order. They hoped it wouldn't last, and that things were going to go back to the way they were before, but after Logan and Roman went out for a romantic evening together, and Patton and Virgil were up all night watching movies, did they realise that maybe it was a good way for things to be.

Six months later, Logan's transitioning had finished, and he no longer looked female. His jawline had changed, and he looked the way he felt as though he should. Roman and Virgil were more supportive than he thought they would be, and he was happy to have them as his boyfriends. However, it didn't take long for feelings to be reevaluated, and they had to have another talk.

Roman liked Virgil, Virgil liked Roman. Patton liked Logan, and Logan liked Patton. It was the perfect way to close their circle, but they realised it wouldn't be that easy. Since it was new for Roman and Patton to be with Virgil and Logan, they realised they wouldn't see each other as often. Logan wouldn't see Virgil much, nor would Roman with Patton.

It caused arguments, and many nights crying or throwing pillows at walls. Or days ad days without actually talking, where the tension affected videos for Thomas, and nothing got done around the mind, out of fear of talking to the side they were angry at.

It could take days for them to come to terms with it all, and fix it, for a few days, before it all started again, and they didn't know what to do. Their relationship was toxic, and they thought they should just go back to the monogamous relationships they had before, but feelings always got in the way, and they'd go running to someone else, and then they'd get back together.

They were messy, and they didn't know how to fix it. They needed an intervention, so when Deceit came along and decided to make himself known to Thomas, they realised how much of a threat he was.

When they realised how easy it was for him to take the place of one of their boyfriends, they realised how much they feared losing one another, and how much they actually loved each other.


Logan looked at his boyfriends. Patton was leaned against him, with Virgil half leaning against Patton, and half leaning against Roman, and Roman sat up at the other end of the sofa, his arm around Virgil's shoulders.

Patton and Virgil had long fallen asleep, leaving Roman and Logan to be the only ones awake. Their movie night ended during the first movie when Patton practically passed out, due to his worrying about his boyfriends.

"I like nights like this," Roman spoke softly, as to not wake their boyfriends. He glanced to Logan and smiled.

"As do I. They make me realise how pointless those first few months were."

"We were rather stupid, weren't we?"

Logan let out an undignified snort and nodded. "Just a bit. Jealousy, possessiveness, and whatnot. We were idiots, but we were idiots in love."

"That we were."

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep, small smiles on their faces, glad they were able to overcome everything they went through, knowing they were better, stronger, together.

1333 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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