Day 17: Deceit's Past

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This is going to be kind of like a part 2 to Deceit's Truth

"I wasn't always this comfortable in myself." He managed out. He couldn't bring himself to look at the four traits in front of him. They'd sat him down to ask him about why he would be hiding away in his room so often, and since he knew things they didn't, he was rather terrified to say the least.

"I... When I was first manifested, I was the only female trait..."

Deceit looked around, and down at herself. "Where am I?" She called out, seeing another trait come forward.

"You're in the mind of Thomas Sanders, you must be the newest Trait." They spoke to her, looking her up and down.

"What do you represent?" She asked.

"I'm his anxiety. And you are?"

"I... Deceit?"

"Oh, right, he did lie earlier, it makes sense. Well, your room will be right here, and I hope you settle okay." He smiled and walked away. "Oh." He paused and turned to her. "You may be the only female, but welcome to the family."

"Fast forward a few months, I felt as though I didn't fit in with any of you, or in myself. I... I started covering up more, hiding who I really was. I didn't understand any of it..." He saw no point in lying to them. He knew he could trust them. "I... I decided to conduct some research. I didn't know if I would affect Thomas... So I spoke to him about it. I asked him to keep it a secret. He did, which I'm grateful for."

"You're transgender?" Patton spoke up, his eyes full of kindness, and Deceit felt himself flush under his gaze.

"Yes. I'm not entirely past any of the discomfort, but my cape, and talking to Thomas about it help, and now, I'm letting you all know. It's not an easy thing to talk about, but I... When I disappear for a week, it's because I'm even more uncomfortable with myself. I don't know how to deal with it all, and it's taking time, but I'm getting there, and I just need your help." He looked down to his gloved hands, and sighed shakily. "I didn't want you thinking any different of me, and I was scared to open up, I didn't think you liked me, so I thought I was better off keeping it to myself."

"De, you're our family, we don't care who you were, it's who you are now that we love." Roman spoke up, and smiled at him.

"And you're still our brother, no matter how you were manifested." Patton added.

Deceit looked at Virgil and Logan, who sat with small smiles on their faces.

"I am glad you trusted us with this information." Logan spoke, and looked at him with a genuine smile.

"Sorry I wasn't there for you before." Virgil scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Deceit smiled, and for once felt completely comfortable, he knew his family accepted him, and he was glad to have them by his side as he continued his journey discovering himself.

507 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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