Paige (LAMP) {Fluff}

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Bare with me on this, I promise it is LAMP.

Paige grumbled to herself as she looked across the table to her 'date'. He couldn't be more of a jerk! Her dads were right, she shouldn't have ever come on the date with him. If only she could do the night over, and tell them how right they were. She didn't want to be here, but she didn't know how to escape it. She glanced over to the waiter, and, to her surprise, he caught her eye, and came over.

"Is everything alright?" His voice was almost melodic, and she didn't know what came over her, but she sat upright and ignored the words of her date.

"No. It isn't okay. I need to leave, and I would like the check, please." Her eyes glimmered with hope, and she almost slumped against the seat after he walked away, telling her he would be right back.

Her date was glaring daggers at her, but she couldn't find it in her to care, she just wanted to get away, he was annoying, and why she thought being with him was a good idea, she had no clue.

She didn't know much about dating, she'd never been on one before, and she wished she'd waited, maybe it would've been much better than the sloppy meal, and useless conversations she wouldn't be able to recall, due to her not really listening.

The waiter soon came back and handed the check to the male across from her. He grumbled about something, before putting the money down and walking out, leaving her alone in the booth. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Her friends pretty much pressured her into the date, and she didn't even want to date a guy, or if she did, she hadn't found the right one yet.

"Do you have a ride?" The waiter was clearing away their table, and she shook her head.

"No, I don't, he was supposed to take me home, and I doubt I can get a ride from a friend... Some friends they are." She rolled her eyes and tugged her jacket on.

"I can give you one, my shift is over as soon as this table is cleared."

"I don't want you to go out of your way."

"Where do you live?"

"East side of town."

"Me too, see, not out of my way at all."



She tugged at the leather jacket hugging her body, covering her too tight t-shirt. She hated it. Her parents thought she should dress in colours that matched her better, but that usually meant "You have to dress more like a girl. You're a girl, dress like it." She didn't feel like a girl, not that she'd ever tell them that.

She glanced at her phone and smiled at the text. Virgil was waiting for her out front.

After the disaster date, she ditched her friends and made friends with the waiter, Roman, and his friends. She may or may not have fallen for one.

She swung her bag over her shoulder and skipped to the car waiting out front. In the front sat Virgil and Roman, and in the back sat Logan. She slid into the back and greeted her friends.

"Virge?" She spoke up after his and Roman's conversation ended.


"Can I talk to you? In a bit? Just us..." She pulled at the sleeves of her jacket and shrunk into it a bit when he looked at her a second too long.

"Yeah, sure." He turned back to the road, but Paige didn't miss the frown.

She glanced to Logan, who sent her a small smile, before going back to reading. Today was going to suck.

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