Types Of Kisses (All Original Pairs) 4/4

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These are going to be short and literally just the kisses, not much of multiple mini one shots.

If you want something else like this, let me know. It was kind of fun to do.

16) Logicality

Patton grinned as he watched his boyfriend. He pressed a kiss to the top of Logan's nose, and watched it scrunch up slightly. Patton giggled, and waited for the logical lineament to relax his muscles again, before repeating the affection. He received the same results. This repeated for a short while, before Logan tilted his head up, after catching Patton going to kiss his nose again, and capturing his lips in his own. Patton let out a gasp of surprise, before he melted into the kiss.

The two soon parted, and went back to watching the movie, content to cuddle.

17) Logan x Thomas Au

Logan groaned and buried his face in his boyfriend's shirt. He loved Thomas, but he hated the height difference. Whilst Thomas was 5"10, Logan was only 5"6. Despite it not seeming like that much of a difference, it proved to be difficult at times. Especially when Thomas refused to lean down to kiss Logan.

Logan wrapped his arms around his taller boyfriends shoulders, despite it being a slight stretch, and he stood on his tiptoes just to connect their lips. It didn't take long for Thomas to melt into the kiss, and lean down slightly, adjusting their positioning, to make Logan feel slightly more comfortable. Their kiss lasted a short while, and they parted when they required air. They smiled at one another, and went back to what they were doing prior, alongside relishing in the other's company.

18) Royality

Patton sat on Romans lap, they'd begun dating a short while ago, and they were still rather awkward around affection, so when Patton started becoming rather affectionate, Roman was unsure of what to do.

Roman hummed in appreciation as Patton pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, and he smiled slightly when the fatherly figure buried his face into Romans shoulder. Eventually, Roman couldn't take it, and he guided Patton's chin up, before catching the fatherly facets lips in his own. Their lips moved together, however, the kiss was slightly sloppy, and neither were sure if they were doing it correctly, yet they didn't care. They were happy.

When they parted, both of their cheeks were flushed, and they seemed to darken when a specific anxious aspect walked into the room, and muttered something about how they looked like they're run a marathon or something. His comment earned him a light hit on the arm from his boyfriend as they walked out, causing a chuckle to leave Romans lips. The two went back to cuddling, Patton sat in Romans lap, and the movie playing quietly in the background.

19) Roman x Thomas

"Thomas..." Roman whined, still unable to get his boyfriends attention. Thomas had been working on a video all day, and he had yet to pay any attention to his prince-like boyfriend. Roman sighed, and slid onto his boyfriend's lap, earning him a hum of acknowledgement. "Thomas?" Roman groaned when he got no more response. He resorted to kissing Thomas' neck, and trailing kisses up until he reached his boyfriends lip. By that point, Thomas had turned his attention to the male on his lap, and captured his lips in a loving kiss. Their lips remained locked for a while, and when they parted, their foreheads rested together, gazing into the others eyes. By this point, the video sat forgotten, and the two males went to watch a movie together, cuddled on the sofa.

20) Patton x Thomas

Patton and Thomas often showed affection towards one another. Their most common being a top of head. Whether it was Thomas pressing a kiss to Patton when they first got up, or Patton pressing his lips to his boyfriend's head during a movie, it was common for it to happen. It was never anything much, just a small reminder that they were there for each other, and admittedly, it was adorable.

BONUS: post-breakup kiss (LAMP)

Virgil couldn't help it, the arguments had gotten to him, and instead of talking to his boyfriends, he just left the relationship, leaving them bewildered, and rather upset. Patton went to talk to him, trying to understand what happened. When Virgil opened the door, Patton could see how much of a toll the breakup had taken on him. "Virg?"

"Don't. Please. I can't." It took all Virgil had to not break down on the spot.

"What happened?"

"I just... The arguments. I love you guys... I just... It's overwhelming. And I can't." Patton pulled Virgil into a tight hug, and pressed a kiss to his temple. "Please don't leave us. We love you too much, and we want you with us."

"I just... I can't..."

Patton tilted Virgil's head up, allowing their gaze to meet, his eyes flicked down to the anxious aspects lips, which earned him a slight nod. Patton pressed his lips to Virgil's, their kiss full of passion and love, their lips moving in perfect sync, they way they had since they started dating. They soon parted, and Patton looked at Virgil. "If we fix the issues?" Virgil shrugged and looked down.

"I guess." He muttered. "But I need time to adjust."

"It's understandable. We love you and we will try so hard to make you happy. I know the arguments can be too much at times. And for that. I'm sorry." Virgil shrugged, and shifted his gaze when he heard two more sets of feet arrive.

"Sorry..." he muttered.

"What for?" Roman asked, genuinely confused.

"I messed up."

"You did not. You just did not know how to feel. It is alright and we do not expect you to take a lot of what we give. You are entitled to feel however you feel." Logan sent him a small smile.

"Can we just... forget this... little breakup thing happened, and watch a movie or something. I just need company. And sleep..." he muttered.

"Of course." Patton smiled, and lead his boyfriend's to the commons, where the snuggles and fell asleep in each other's loving embrace.

1004 words (roughly)

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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