Companions (Roman x Thomas)

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Unedited (Please point out any errors, because I'm a lazy piece of garbage, who can't be bothered to edit.)

This has been in my head for ages and I finally wrote it. It sucks, but I wrote it. Enjoy!

"Hufflepuffs are said to make the best companions"

"In a romantic sense?"

"Why not?"

Roman felt his heart flutter as he listened to the words from his host. He smiled weakly, and they went back to the video theme. 

He was crushing hard on his host, and he couldn't help it. Yes, he represented more than just creativity, that more being romance, but he couldn't work up the courage to talk to his host about his feelings. Nor did he really want to, he didn't want to ruin what they have. 

The two of them would snuggle, and watch movies. They'd have deep conversations, and then switch to light hearted ones straight after. The two would also share chaste, non-romantic kisses. Well, they were half romantic. The entire thing hurt Roman, but he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to ruin any relationships between any of them, and he knew if he told Thomas, and Thomas didn't return his feelings, there would be an awkward tension between them, and it would affect all future videos. 


Roman sunk out, his mind occupied, and he went to his room to think things through, and if he wanted to tell Thomas how he felt. 

"Thomas?" Roman sighed and looked towards the kitchen, where Thomas sat, scrolling through his phone. 

"Hey, Roman." Thomas looked at him, and his stomach flipped, his nerves increasing. Maybe he shouldn't do this. Maybe it was a bad idea. "What's up?"

"I um... Never mind, it was stupid..." Roman sighed shakily, and went to sink out.

"Wait, Roman, whilst you're here, I need to talk to you. I think it needs done, because I'll never do it otherwise."

"Y-yeah... What's up." Roman internally cursed himself for stuttering, and he watched Thomas walk over to him.

"I um... This 'thing' between us... What is it?"

"I have no idea... I want it to stop being a 'thing' though, I don't like it being 'platonic' or whatever."

"I couldn't have said it better." Roman's heart skipped a beat, and his head shot up.


"I want to be with you romantically, Roman, I'm sick of beating around the bush, I want you to be mine, I love you."

Roman smiled, and threw himself at Thomas, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I love you too, you have no idea how many times I've wanted to tell you that, and I've never been able to."

"If it's as many times as I've wanted to say it to you, then I have an idea." Thomas smiled and let Roman step back slightly. 

"Can I kiss you?" Roman murmured, though it seemed pointless, since the gap between hem was almost non-existent.

"Please do." Thomas whispered back, and let himself be pulled into a soft kiss from Roman. 

Their lips moved together, neither wanting it to end. The end came too soon, when Virgil appeared in the living room, and groaned. 

They parted, faces turning crimson, and Logan soon appeared. 

"Yes, Virgil?"

"You owe me."


"I caught them, you owe me." Logan let out a small chuckle and sunk back into the mind, Virgil following shortly after, probably claiming his pay. 

"They bet on us..." Roman muttered. 

"Yeah, well I bet they were sick of us beating around the bush too."

"Probably." Roman smiled and pulled Thomas back in for a kiss. 

The two then moved to the sofa, and watched some movies, before falling asleep together. 

575 words

Hope you enjoyed

Take care


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