Bands (LAMP) {fluff}

711 52 12


T.W. Panic attack, and Misgendering (mentioned)

Green - They/Them
Purple - Girl
Orange - Boy

Virgil messed with the bracelet on their wrist, and sighed slightly. Their mother wasn't ever going to be observant enough to get it right. They picked up their phone and text Logan one word.


It meant it was a they/them day. They sighed and pocketed their phone, picking up all their stuff, before heading out the front door to their boyfriend's house, where they would be meeting the rest of their boyfriends.

It wasn't a long walk, but when they felt lousy, it seemed to take hours. They had their music playing loud in their ears, and they were glad that Patton was already at Logan's by the time they got there.

"Morning, Virge!" He called out, making them smile, and remove their headphones.

"Morning, Pat." They gave him a quick hug, and let him press a kiss to their cheek.

"What colour today?"

They held their wrist up, and Patton nodded, smiling.

"Got it!" He ginned, and wrapped an arm around Virgil's waist. "How are you today?"

"Not great." They mumbled, recalling the events of the morning.

"What happened."

"Mother happened." He muttered. "She can't ever get anything right, she doesn't pay attention, she's too absorbed in her own world to pay any attention to a stupid band around my wrist. I'm always her 'son' and nothing else. Her head in suck in the 1950's gutter, and she refuses to leave. I want to give her time to get used to it, but it's been a year now, and it's not that hard!" They buried their face in Patton's shoulder, trying to remain calm. They knew getting worked up over it wouldn't do them any good, but it didn't stop them from wanting to scream, shout, and cry.

"I know, love, even if she never accepts it, we do, and we love you for who you are, so she can go and keep her head in that gutter, because she's not worthy of taking it out. If she can't see how perfect you are, then she doesn't deserve to have a child like you."

Virgil's cheeks were burning by the time Patton had finished talking, and they didn't want to remove their head from his neck, knowing how red they were.

"Thanks, I guess." They mumbled, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before hiding their face, worried about someone else seeing it.

"Good morning." Logan's voice rang out behind them, and Virgil sent him a quick wave, not caring to remove their head. He felt someone grasp their hand, and they smiled softly.

"Hey, Lo." They mumbled, hearing Patton say something similar.

"Are you alright?" Logan questioned, wrapping an arm around their waist, best he could with Virgil still pressed against Patton.

"I will be."

They felt Logan's fingers trail up his wrist to the band, and they felt him mess with it slightly.

Logan smiled fondly at his significant other, and silently asked Patton if he could move. He didn't mean any harm by it, he just wanted to be able to see Virgil.

"Virgil?" They looked over to him, and smiled weakly, before placing themself in his arms, smiling as he tightened his hold on them. "Are you okay? I need a straight answer."

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