Oh... Au (Analogical)

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T.W. Implied abuse (maybe?)

"I get to stay with my dad this weekend!" Roman spoke, clearly ecstatic.

"I stay with my dad every weekend. What's the big deal?" Patton asked.

"I haven't spent the weekend with him in over a year!"

"I haven't stayed with my dad in 7 years." Virgil muttered.

"Oh..." both happy males froze, turning to the anxious male, slightly worried.

"It's fine. I don't care." Virgil's head tilted up and met the gazes of his friends. "Really guys. I don't care. I'm happy for you." He gave them a small, albeit, genuine smile, and they went back to talking about their dads. Virgil turned to Logan, who was just then arriving, and rolled his eyes, "Lo?" Virgil asked, receiving a hum in response. "Logan."

"Yes?" He put his book down, and turned to Virgil.

"I know I've told you what happened, and I know I've said I don't care, but what if I do? What if I care beyond everything, what if I care too much, and I'm scared to try?"

"It is natural to care, and natural to be scared, maybe you ought to try. Maybe it will change the way things are, and it can be something new."



"Please help me."

"I will."


That evening Virgil walked with Logan to his parents house, he hadn't seen them in years. His family was a mess, and it was hard for him to cope. He knocked on the door, and retreated to his boyfriend's hold. A man opened the door, he stood tall, his soft, brown eyes looked at the teenagers in front of him, anyone looking from the outside would think he was a kind male, one who cared for everyone. Only very few knew of what he would do behind closed doors.

"Honey!" He called into the house, and a woman with blonde hair came to the door. Their expressions matched, they were happy and sad. "Virgil?" The woman questioned.

"Yeah..." he scratched the back of his neck, and moved away slightly. The woman stepped forward, not pushing him to do anything, she just wanted to look at her son. "Oh... Virgil..." she whispered, running her hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered, and tried to back away, his boyfriend, however, stood in the way.

"Virgil?" Came the soft whisper from behind him, the gentle, reassuring voice of his boyfriend.

"I-I can't. I'm sorry. I tried. I can't..." his eyes filled with tears, and he felt guilty, but being around people who couldn't care for him, put him on edge, and he couldn't do it. He escaped his boyfriend's hold, and ran, until he reached the end of the street.

His boyfriend turned to his parents, "Give him time. He will come back. He just has to take his time." They nodded and watched him walk away.


Logan and Virgil sat on the sofa of the formers living room, a silence had descended, and neither had much to say.

Logan was lost in thought, and so was Virgil.

"I am proud of you." Logan murmured into his boyfriend's ear.

"Why? I freaked out and ran. There's nothing to be proud of."

"You faced them. You spoke to them. And I know, you will want to see them again. I am proud of you for seeing them, and letting them see you."

Virgil shrugged slightly and turned to his boyfriend. "I miss having parents, y'know? It's hard. But, as weird as it sounds, I feel happier without them."

"It is okay. You went trough a lot with them, it is understandable to wish for different. But it will work out in the end."

"I hope so."

"I know so." Logan pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips, and he kissed back almost immediately.

The kiss was short, and the two parted not long after they started, yet it spoke in ways neither of them could.

"I love you." Virgil muttered.

"I love you too."

They lay together, and soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

671 words.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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