Day 1: Patton's Dream

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I'm going to put these prompts here because I feel like they fit this book better, and I unpublished the other book. If you care about NaNoWriMo DM me and we can talk about it. But if not, I'm just going to ignore it for a bit, or I'll write it myself. I don't know.



T.W. Maybe?

His eyes snapped open, taking in the darkness of the world around him. He could have sworn when he last woke up, it was bright, and he was able to see something, anything.

His eyes darted around the vast black space around him, hoping his eyes would pick up in something.


He felt his breathing picking up, and and spun around, but without his eyes picking anything up, he couldn't tell if he was actually moving or not. His feet didn't seem to be touching anything, and his hands couldn't move from his pockets. He was panicking and he didn't know what to do.

He hated the dark. So to be trapped in a place where he couldn't see anything was rather terrifying.

The last thing he remembered was lying in bed with his boyfriend.

Where was he?

Upon the remembrance of his boyfriend, he was suddenly more worried for his boyfriend's safety than his own.

He gulped and tried to reach out. Surely he wasn't alone. There must be someone or something there.


He sighed and rolled onto his side. His boyfriend lay watching him cautiously, worrying about what was going on on his head, but since he was calm, he needn't wake him up.

He could hear faint voices, ones he thought he recognised, but he couldn't be completely sure.

One day his eyes would open again, and until then, his boyfriend wouldn't give up on him.

240 words

Sorry this took a slightly angsty turn.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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