Aromantic (Virgil & Logan)

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Unedited (probable errors.)

T.W. Mentions of an attack.

Virgil sighed as he lay across Logan's lap, the logical facet sat reading, and occasionally ran a hand through the anxious aspects hair, who had just managed to calm down from a rather intense panic attack. The cause being Roman, as per usual, but it wasn't Roman being... bad exactly, more like him being oblivious, and slightly ignorant.

Virgil sat in the commons, with Patton and Roman, the three had a movie playing, however, Virgil had his headphones on, and wasn't paying attention to the movie. He only looked up from his phone when he felt the sofa dip next to him, and an arm brushed against his.

He turned to look at the trait next to him, and sent them a small smile, which didn't seem to be enough. The fanciful facet caught Virgil's chin, and his gaze. By this point, Virgil's heart had begun racing, in the not so pleasant way, when he knew he was about to suffer an attack. He tried to push Roman off him, and he knew Roman was speaking, but his music, combined with his anxiety, made it impossible for him to hear. Roman reaches out and pushed his headphones down, which made the anxious aspect feel worse. His breathing soon became laboured and he tried harder to escape, his arms soon leaving his side, pushing at the chest of the trait in red and white. His movements stilled temporarily when a pair of lips captured his own, his mind stopped, and he couldn't comprehend anything. When he'd finally wrapped his head around what happened, Roman had pulled away, leaving Virgil with the opportunity to run off, and seek the help of the logical facet.

"Are you alright Virgil?" Logan looked away from his book, down at the anxious aspect, who nodded in response, he still wasn't up to talking, and Logan sensed that. So he let him have a little bit more time.

Virgil felt guilty, and he knew Roman was going to hate him.

"T-thank you..." he managed out, gaining the attention of the logical lineament. Logan smiled at him, and told him it was alright. Virgil knew the question was going to come, it was just a matter of time.

"What happened?"

"We were... a movie was on... and Patton was on the other sofa... I-I..." he trailed off, his stumble causing him to stop, but after a reassuring look from Logan, he continued. "I was listening to music. Not watching the film, and Roman moved over to me... cornered me, and... and that's... w-where it started... h-he restricted m-my movements, and I-I panicked. T-then he k-kissed me..." he stopped and took a deep breath, Logan was the only one who knew of his sexuality, and was the only one to help him through the rough patches when Roman stopped paying attention to boundaries, which was rare, but it occasionally happened. Hugs, pet names, stretching into his personal bubble, small things, but he'd never once kissed Virgil. He'd had his suspicions about the fanciful facet liking him romantically, yet he'd never acted on them, and Virgil wasn't going to tell Roman his sexuality just to have him laugh at him. "When he stopped kissing me... I panicked and ran off... H-he hates m-me."

"I doubt he could hate you. It is clear he hold romantic feelings towards you, and therefore, you must tell him about your sexuality."

"I-I know... it's just... it's hard..."

"I know, but I am here every step of the way." Virgil's eyes, though clouded with tears, could see the sincerity on the face of the trait he was with, and he smiled, a small, genuine smile.

The two made their way to the commons, where Patton and Roman were talking, Roman clearly distressed about the events that had occurred prior.

Virgil took a step forward, and cleared his throat, gaining their attention, Patton rushed over, careful as to not get too close, yet enough to make sure Virgil was alright. Roman stayed on the sofa, sadness in his eyes, and Virgil felt the pang of guilt hit him again.

"Roman... I'm so-"

"Don't. I get it you don't feel the same way." Roman had bitterness lard in his voice, and Virgil felt the pain. He felt the tears form again, and he looked away. "I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be this way." He gained Romans star toon once more, and sent him a small, sympathetic smile.

"Is it Logan?" He croaked our, causing Virgil to let out a loud laugh, and deny it profusely.

"Hell no. Roman, it's not anyone. I'm aromantic."

"Oh... oh I'm sorry. I didn't meant to upset you or make you uncomfortable. I understand now. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Roman." He chuckled slightly, and let himself be pulled into a hug, which Patton and Logan soon joined in on.

For the rest of the evening, the four sides sat watching movies, of all genres, and fell asleep in the comfort of each other.

845 words

I like this one... I think.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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