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1. I haven't eaten breakfast today.

2. I am going bowling soon.

3. I'm about to go out, and my hair is still wet.

4. I'm hungry.

5. I tell my parents I don't like some of the music they listen to, when I do, but not always.

6. I have an annoying sister who doesn't listen.

7. I work at the same place as my mum, but I had the job first.

8. I want a car, but more of a off-roader kind of. Look up Kia Sportage and you'll understand.

9. I really like baby foxes... Just look at them!!! They're so cute.

10. I am anaemic. (I don't know if I've said before.)

Joke: what did the pirate say on his eightieth birthday?
Aye Matey

Spoiler: I guess I can kind of spoil Boarding School a little - Virgil will have a little relapse, and it could cause some issues.

Tag: BearLover115

I don't know enough people. And I don't want to re-tag some.

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