Tired Of Being Alone

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You say I have people
That I can depend on
But when it comes to it
Who's around when I need them?

I try to be happy
Try to smile and laugh
Pretend it's all okay
How much more can I fake
Before I break?

I try to avoid talking
Yet I call people out when they don't
I avoid telling people the truth
Because they don't need to know
It's my problem to deal with

I want to do something
Just to do it at all
Yet the idea of anything
Tires me out and I can't

I'm tired

Tired of being lonely
Tired of being bored
Tired of being empty
Tired of crying
Tired of being alone.

I disappear for a while
And no one really notices
I could disappear for a long time
Would it even matter?

I don't want to end it all
But when it comes to it
Maybe it's best.

Best I let go
Best I move on
Best I stop letting it all get to me

I get angry
I lash out
I shout
I cry
I scream
But it's never enough.

When will it be enough?
When will I stop feeling like this?

I'm tired
Of everything

I want to sleep
I want to cry
I want to do it all
But I don't want to

I hate being angry
I hate being lonely
Please stop making me feel this way.
Come back...

I'm tired of being alone...

248 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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