Internet Friends Au

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It was no lie that Virgil's anxiety got the better of him, causing him to not want to talk. It would tell him that his voice was wrong for who he was, that he spoke too softly, too carefully. It told him that he needed to talk more, and be more bold, yet he couldn't, because he doubted it all.

Of course, no one in his life understood that, other than his 4 internet friends. They let him sit with the microphone muted when they had a video call, they let him text his replies, or leave whenever he needed to. They cared more for him than anyone else ever did.

Patton: Virgil!

Virgil: What's up?

Patton: Thomas, Logan, Roman, and I are having a video call, do you want to join?

Virgil: Logan would be proud of your grammar.

Patton: He would. Do you want to join or not?

Virgil: Uh... sure, I guess so...

Virgil sighed and shut his bedroom door, and pulled out his computer. He didn't want anyone walking in on him, so he thought it would be best to leave it shut, knowing they'd alert him they were coming by knocking beforehand.

He sighed slightly and opened Skype, seeing his friends active icons. He smiled weakly and let Patton add him in.

He sat and looked at the connecting screen, it wasn't that he didn't like 'talking' to his friends, his anxiety just seemed to get the better of him.

Patton's face was the first to show up, followed promptly by Logan's, Roman's and Thomas'.

"Virge!" Thomas grinned, and Virgil sent a small smile and wave back. He sat back and watched his friends maintain a conversation.

"Will you even unmute your mic, Virgil?" Roman asked him, causing him to wrinkle his nose and shrug. It's not that he didn't want to, it's more that he was worried about their opinions on his voice.

"It is perfectly fine, you do not have to." Logan butted in.

"But we would like to hear you at some point." Patton pouted, ignoring Logan's protests.

Roman smiled reassuringly, and left his camera, before showing up on Patton's.

Their situation baffled their friends, the two were brothers, yet refused to use the same monitor to talk to the others.

Patton's giggles drew Virgil from his thoughts, and he smiled, seeing Roman tickling Patton.

"I do not understand why you both do not share a computer, instead of wasting the internet."

"Because it's fun." Roman smiled, ignoring Patton's protests about tickling him.

Virgil knew the other four were distracted, so he unmuted his microphone, and waited for the perfect moment to speak.

"O-Okay... R-Ro, please... s-stop."


"I-I c-can't breathe."

"Okay, you should really stop." Thomas butted in.

"I agree." Virgil said, causing Roman to stop and turn to the computer on his brother's desk.


Virgil just shrugged, pretending he hadn't spoken.

"You just said something." Roman pointed out, and Patton smiled, before talking.

"I don't think so."

"No, I know he did. That wasn't Logan or Thomas' voice."

"I didn't say anything." Virgil spoke, a small smirk on his face.

"You did! You spoke! We know how you sound!"

"Ta da..." Virgil looked down, his anxiety starting to show.

"I think we should call it a day, I have things I need to do, and I am sure Virgil needs some sleep." Logan said, noting the time.

"Oh yeah... The time difference." Patton pouted.

"Tomorrow?" Thomas suggested.

"Tomorrow." Virgil smiled weakly, and after saying goodbye, he hung up, smiling to himself.

Tomorrow would be good.

596 words

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