Seats and Surfaces (Prinxiety)

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Art © Ksureme on Tumblr


Real quick: I reached 103 followers, I reached 100 a while ago, and I mean to say something then, but I forgot/didn't want to, but I just thought, "hey, I should say thanks for all the support and shiz". I know 103 isn't many, but I never thought I'd get 10, so reaching 100 is amazing, and I know so many people have 1,000 or whatever, but I'm chuffed to have 100, and 70k reads on my first oneshot book. You all are amazing, and I can't thank you enough for all the support. You're all amazing.

Remember, if you want to see anything in my book, let me know, I'll do almost anything.

Virgil sat on the counter. He was lost in thought, and hadn't seen the regal facet walk in. "Virgil?"

"What now?" Virgil groaned and turned towards the source of the voice.

"Are you okay? You've been on edge all day."

"Just heightened anxiety. Like always. I'm surprised you haven't come and shouted at me."

"You know I'm trying to be better."

"I know. But old habits die hard."

"I'm sorry. For everything."

"Don't be. It's whatever." Virgil jumped down off the counter and shut himself in his room.


The interaction stayed with Roman. He couldn't get the way Virgil was acting out of his mind. There was something wrong.

He walked to the kitchen, and found Virgil sat on the counter again. "Are you sure you're alright?" He spoke as he made his way to the cupboard to collect a glass, and filled it with water.

"Yeah... I'm great..." Virgil muttered, not really listening.

"What's wrong?"



"Roman." Virgil rolled his eyes, and looked at the other male.

"Stop lying to me."

"I'm not lying!"

"You're not okay!"

"I'm. Fine." He spoke forcefully and walked away.

Roman groaned and buried his face in his hands, leaning against the counter.


Virgil liked Roman, and he was trying hard to forget his feelings, but they kept resurfacing.

He sat on the counter, it had become his favourite place to sit and think. He had a cup of hot chocolate next to him, but he was sure it had long gone cold. "I can reheat that if you'd like?" Roman leaned against the wall, by the entrance, and exit, to the kitchen.

"Sure. Thanks." Virgil watched as Roman moved around, reheating his warm drink. Virgil's dark brown eyes followed Romans every movement and he couldn't tear his gaze away. "Like what you see?" Roman asked, handing Virgil his drink. Heat rose to Virgil's cheeks and he looked down. "I guess" he muttered.

"It's okay, you know?"

"What is?"

"To look. It's okay to be unable to tear your gaze away. If you need to look then don't stop." Roman walked over and situated himself between Virgil's legs. "If you want anything, I'll try and help."


"Because I care about you."


"I don't know. There's just something about you that intrigues me."

"I love you Princey... that's my problem."

Roman smiled and watched as Virgil became flustered. "I love you too Emo Nightmare."

"Y-you do?"

"I do. A lot..." Virgil smiled and watched as Roman inched closer slightly. "May I?" he requested and Virgil nodded.

Roman connected their lips, and their eyes fluttered closed. Virgil inched closer to the edge of the counter, wanting to be closer to the royal. His hands remained on the counter, his drink, long forgotten, sat next to him. Roman's hand lay on the darker aspects leg, and their lips moved together. It wasn't long before Virgil's arms found their way around Romans neck, pulling him closer, closing any space that was between them.

Soon thereafter, they parted, and rested their foreheads together, gazes meeting, and chests rising and falling quickly, matching their sped up breaths. "Wow..." Virgil breathed out. "I didn't know you could kiss like that."

"Would it have changed anything if you did?"

"Yeah... I'd have kissed you long ago."

Roman chuckled slightly, and pressed his lips to Virgil's once again. This kiss was short, albeit loving, and when they parted, a squeal erupted from the lips of the fatherly facet in the doorway. He began gushing over how adorable they were, and Logan had to drag him away to give the two a chance to breathe.

"Be mine?" Roman asked.

"Of course." Virgil smiled and reconnected their lips, the two ignoring any squeals coming from the commons.

626 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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