You Can Hurt Me... Pt 3 (Prinxiety)

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Virgil sighed and looked at his house mates. They'd all been living with one another for almost a month, but none of them seemed to trust anyone, and it was a mess.

He wanted to be the glue that held them all together, but it didn't seem to be working quite as planned.

Roman was constantly shutting Virgil out, and Patton wasn't talking to him anymore, not to mention Logan seemed to be distant from everyone, but he was at least talking to Virgil.

He was reaching the point where he didn't know what to do.

He and Logan devised a plan, Logan would talk to Patton, and Virgil would talk to Roman, both hoping that the two normally quiet males would speak up, and let them help.


After two weeks of them trying, Patton finally opened up, but Roman wasn't budging.

"Roman, please, I'm worried about you."

"You speak so highly of Patton, you act as though you value him over me, what am I to do?"

"Talk to me, and you'd realise I don't like him the way I like you."

The door opened, and Roman stood the other side, looking like a complete trainwreck.

"Roman, I like you, a lot, and I'm sorry you feel like I put Patton above you, I really didn't mean for it to come across that way. I saved you, and I'm not letting you go again."

Virgil stepped closer to Roman, and rest a hand on his cheek. "Let me keep saving you?"

"I need that," Roman whispered, leaning into Virgil's touch.

"Kiss me."


Their lips met in a fond, uncertain kiss, and they didn't care, because they felt so strongly for one another that the way they kissed didn't matter.

And even if their relationships were rocky, they were able to work through it all and figure everything out, because they loved one another, and they weren't going to let it go.

323 words

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