Roman's Smitten (LAMP) {fluff}

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Real quick, before I get into this, I made a LAMP Amino, so if you want to join that, I would love for you to. The image above is the little logo thing (bare with me, I have a headache. I'm sorry.) {the heart took forever to make, so it's at least somewhat decent I suppose} and I hope I can see some of you over there, and you can help me build up my little Amino ( I have 3 people there with me. It's kinda lonely.) But yeah, if you want to, that's there.

Again, this may be bad because my head hurts like heck, and I can't be bothered to edit. Sorry.


Roman sighed happily, content to be in his little dreamspace. Whenever he wasn't with his boyfriends, he was thinking about them, and off in his dreamspace, where he would be able to visualise them, and appreciate everything about them.

How picky Logan was, almost like he had OCD. How much Virgil fidgeted, and felt the need to be doing something at all times. And how Patton would be smiling at all times, especially when he thought they couldn't see him.

He loved everything about them, even the things that would get on his nerves. He didn't know why, but the simple things were perfect to him. Like when Patton hummed to himself when cooking, or Logan clicked his pen all the time whilst working, and Virgil tapping his fingers against any surface when he was listening to music.

He didn't know why, but it was all so perfect. They were all so perfect.

He couldn't begin to describe why he felt so passionate towards them, he just did, and he wasn't ready for that feeling to stop.

He was brought down from his dreamspace when he heard a knock at his door. He wasn't upset about being bothered, in fact, he was happy to be bothered, it usually meant his boyfriends wanted him.

He smiled, and walked to his door, pulling it open to see an awkward Virgil on the other side.

"Um... Pat and Lo are having a movie night and wondered if you'd join?"

"What about you?" Roman frowned, and tilted Virgil's head up.

"I don't think I'm going to join."


"I... I just..."


"I just don't feel like it okay?" He finally snapped, and Roman was taken aback. Virgil never snapped, much less at Roman. "I'm sorry. I just don't think I want to."

"Virge, it's okay. Maybe you need to-"

"I don't need to do anything." He cut Roman off, and Roman frowned.

"What's going on?"


"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you!"

"Then tell me what's wrong!"

"Nothing is wrong."

"You never snap, and you never cut me off, and you've done both of those things, not to mention you would never pass up the chance for a huge cuddle pile whilst watching Disney."

"I just... I don't feel like it."

"Are you okay?"

"Not particularly. My head hurts, I'm tired, and I don't want the noise of the TV. I just want to sleep. I want the cuddles, don't get me wrong... I just..."

"Need the quiet?"

"Yeah. Sorry for being all... Y'know."

"It's okay." Roman smiled, and pulled him in for a hug, sighing happily when he buried his face in Roman's neck.

"Can you come cuddle with me?"

"We should talk to Patton and Logan, I'm sure they'd want to cuddle too."

"Okay." Virgil nodded and stepped away from Roman, who smiled, and led him to the commons, were Patton and Logan were cuddled on the sofa.

After a small conversation, the four sides decided to curl up on the sofa, despite it being too small, and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep, cuddled up with one another.

524 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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