Fuzzy Words Au (Royality)

861 54 13

Unedited (feel free to point out errors)


It wasn't until he was introduced to the new kid, that Roman finally heard. It wasn't until he thought it through that he realised that he was meeting his soulmate, after 17 agonising years of a painful buzz over the top of everyone's words.

"Hi. I'm Patton!" The male in the glasses grinned at him, not caring that, in most cases, he wouldn't be heard properly.

Roman stood, dumbfounded, unable to form any words. He opened and closed his mouth countless times, looking more like a goldfish than a functional human being.

"Are you okay?" Patton tilted his head to one side. Roman had to admit that he looked adorable, but the action rendered him even more speechless.

Scrambling for a way to communicate, Roman pulled out his phone, and opened his notes app. I'm normally not this quiet, anyone can tell you that. Despite the buzz over our words (or not if they found their soulmate), they all get sick of me. But seeing you rendered me speechless. Maybe it was you, or maybe it was the fact that I actually heard y- Patton placed his hand over Roman's, partially to get him to stop typing since he seemed to be rambling, and partially because of what he was trying to say.

"You can hear me? Clearly?" Roman nodded. "Can you try? I'd love to be able to hear someone properly. For once."

Roman sighed slightly, and locked his phone. "H-hi... I'm Roman." He sent Patton a small smirk, and raised an eyebrow.

"I can hear so much more! This is amazing! I never knew what I was missing out on. I know my parents always said that hearing things was great. But I never expected this!"

Roman smiled slightly at the happy male in front of him. "Um... Would you mind accompanying me to the cafe. Later? After school. For a um... a date?"

"Roman!" A male clad in dark clothing rushed over to Roman, a grin lighting up his features.

"Virgil! Wait! This is Patton. Patton this is my best friend Virgil."

"Hi." Virgil barely spared a glance at Patton, before turning back to Roman. "So I finally worked up the courage to talk to him. And he spoke back, and I dropped my book on his toe. And it was a complete mess and I panicked and asked him out to stargaze. I don't know why I picked that, but he said yes. And Roman! He's my soulmate!"

Virgil stopped and his eyes widened. "Holy sh**. He's my soulmate. Roman! I have a soulmate!"

Roman grinned and pulled his friend in for a hug. "Calm down. It's okay. I told you that you had one."

"But it's him! The guy I've been pining over for months."

"That is nice to know." Virgil's eyes widened and he spun around, coming face to face with Logan, the schools 'nerd'.

"I... I can um... I can explain."

"No need. You left your book." In Logan's hands lay a leather bound notebook, tied shut with a piece of string.

"I um... I'm sorry about that." Virgil blushed a deep shade of red as he took his notebook back.

"No need. I assume you still would like to go stargazing?"

"Well yeah... More time to talk and get to know you. Why did I say talk? I don't talk? Unless I'm nervous and then I ramble. Damnit." Virgil groaned and turned to Roman, silently pleading for help.

"Well, Virgil and I must be off. Enjoy your date with him later, Logan. Patton, you shall come with me too." Roman pulled Virgil and Patton away, leaving no room for argument.

"Thanks." Virgil muttered.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Roman waved his thanks off, and turned to Patton. "So, you never got the chance to reply, would you accompany me on a date?"

"I don't think it would be a very good date if you were alone."

Roman smiled fondly, "that still doesn't answer my question."

"I would enjoy a date with you." Patton smiled and let Roman and Virgil show him around the school slightly.

Both dates went well that evening, and both parties of both dates agreed that a second was in order. And hopefully, more after that.

706 words.

Ugh. This went from good to bad to worse.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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