You Can Hurt Me... (Prinxiety)

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T.W. Implied toxic relationship, implied abuse, and implied self-harm/suicidal thoughts.

Roman sighed as he turned over to face the other male in his bed. He thought he knew love, and he thought he knew what it was to be happy. Turns out he was wrong. He didn't know the first thing about happiness or love. He didn't live up to his title, and he never would.

His boyfriend stirred in his sleep, and turned to face him. "Morning, love." His boyfriend's voice was husky and deep, and it was in those moments, Roman thought that things could change. But he knew they wouldn't. His boyfriend would never change, nor would he see what he was doing.

"Morning." Roman murmured back, a small smile on his face. "Do you work today?"

"Yeah... I do." His boyfriend replied, which caused a small frown to appear on Roman's face. "I won't be too late, baby." His voice was laced with fake empathy, and both males knew it, yet neither would admit to knowing.

"I'll probably go food shopping then." Roman sighed and sat up, ready to leave the stifling heat of the bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Roman continued to browse the aisles of the store, and sighed. His boyfriend wouldn't approve of any of the stuff he was buying, but it needed bought, and he couldn't help that.

As he reached the milk area, he saw another male. Dark brown hair, dark eye shadow beneath his eyes. He was clad in a black and purple hoodie, with black jeans, and purple converse. He took Roman's breath away, and he hadn't realised he was staring until they had come over to him.

"Hello?" They spoke uncertainly, clearly unnerved by him staring.


"I didn't... Why... I..."

"I'm sorry for staring, and making you uncomfortable."

"Oh... You didn't really make me uncomfortable. I would have stared at you if roles were reversed."

"Why?" Roman scoffed and turned away.

"You're not ugly..."

"I'm not attractive either." Roman muttered, yet the other heard.

"I think you are, and clearly your significant other does too." They gestured to the ring on his left hand.

"I doubt that."

"Why? You're together aren't you?"

"Yeah... But not in a good way."

"What do you mean?" They frowned.

"I said too much. I'm sorry. I should go."

"I want to know."

"I can't."

They scribbles something on a piece of paper from their pocket, and handed it to him. "Call or text me when you can." They sent him a small smile and walked off.

Virgil 407890345

Roman sighed and slid it into his pocket before continuing on with his shopping.


"Hi, love!" Roman's boyfriend's voice rang out in the otherwise quiet house.

"Hi, De." Roman sent his boyfriend a small smile, and let himself be pulled in for a kiss. However, his mind was preoccupied, and he wouldn't kiss back.

De pulled back, and looked at his boyfriend, anger flaring in his eyes.

"I can't do this anymore De, it's too painful. I need to get away."

"But, puppy..."

"No, I don't want this. You hurt me too much."

"Fine. Leave." De's eyes filled with more anger, and he turned away. "Now."

Roman sighed and rushed to collect his things before rushing out the front door. His heart was erratic, and he realised he hadn't thought his plan through. Where was he going to go?

He sighed and pulled out his phone, a piece of paper fluttering to the ground with it. Virgil.

Roman quickly sent a text to Virgil, and went to the cafe.


After a while of waiting, Virgil walked into the coffee shop. Roman had left his ring with his ex, and he sat in silence, unsure of how to talk to the male walking over to him.

"Do you want a drink?" Virgil asked, sitting across from Roman.

"No, I'm okay, thank you. I just need to talk."

"Okay? Are you okay?" Virgil frowned, and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"I'm... I'm okay. I just acted slightly rash, that's all."

"Is it to do with your significant other?"

Roman nodded and began to explain everything to Virgil. From the abuse and lack of care, to the fake empathy. Virgil sat and listened the entire time, and made sure he didn't interrupt.

"So, now, I have no where to stay, and I didn't think about it. You told me to text or call you when 'I can' and I did. So here we are..." Roman sighed and placed his forehead against the cool surface of the table.

"I have a spare bedroom if you need. I had a roommate, but he left to go and live with his boyfriend."

"You don't know me..."

"No, but you need a friend."

"I mean... I guess. I don't want to be a burden."

"I won't let you live on the streets."

"Okay. But I'll make it up to you."

"Just join me on a date. That's all I ask."

"Okay. Whatever makes you happy." Roman looked up at him, and sent him a small smile, before it quickly turned into a frown.

"Is something wrong?" Virgil picked up on his mood change immediately.

"One more thing."

"What's up?"

"I um... I may need you to make sure I don't have access to certain items..."

"Of course, what are they?"

"Any razors or pills. Unless I'm sick, or in need of a shave, and then, you will probably have to keep an eye on me until I get myself back on track."

"Okay." Virgil frowned, and felt his heart drop slightly at what Roman was implying, but he wouldn't let Roman hurt himself.


The two went back to Virgil's place and settled in, getting to know one another, ready to spend some time living together, and ready to face what was to come.

969 words

Part two? Maybe?

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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