Dragon Au (LAMP) {Fluff}

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This was inspired by the picture above, but my idea of what the dragons look like is slightly different.

Roman - Gay, Polyamorous

Patton - Pan, Polyamorous, Demisexual

Logan - Bisexual, Polyamorous

Virgil - Demiboy, Gay, Ace, Polyamorous

T.W. Anxiety.

Virgil sighed and looked at his reflection, it wasn't that he didn't like who he was, he just didn't understand it. His four dragons sat on or near him, the blue, grey and white one sat on his head, nestling into his hair, the rainbow one was curled up asleep on his left shoulder, the red blue and black one sat on his right shoulder, seemingly awake, and the purple, grey, white and black one was asleep in his hood. How he envied them. They were able to sleep whenever they wanted, and he couldn't.

"Ace." Virgil murmured, pulling the smallest dragon out of his hood. As he did, it woke up, and he smiled. "I need you to wait a few minutes before you sleep in my hood, Logan is coming soon and he's bringing his friends." Virgil sighed, and looked at his dragons. Logan, his boyfriend, was the best boyfriend Virgil had had before, but with Logan came his two rambunctious friends. The one good thing about it was that they all had a dragon consisting of the same colours.

He looked at the dragon asleep in his hair and couldn't help but wonder what it symbolised. He had done countless searches on the internet, only to come up with something he was sure didn't fit him. The blue, white, and grey dragon was supposedly to do with his gender, and he was supposedly a 'demiboy' but he didn't agree with it. Maybe he needed to talk to Patton about it, the bubbly male seemed to know a lot about the dragons, especially since he would go on about them.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts, and he slipped his jacket on, the smallest dragon having climbed back into his hood, despite his objections. He smiled fondly, and grabbed his school bag, before rushing to the front door, where his boyfriend stood.

"Good morning, Virgil." Logan greeted, and Virgil smiled, lacing his fingers through Logan's.

Virgil turned to lock his front door, and groaned when he heard Roman and Patton walk up, their voices carrying with the wind. They were too much sometimes.

He felt Ace bury himself further into his hood, and Virgil frowned.

"Hey, Lo?" Virgil paused his movements, and turned to Logan, who was looking in the direction of Patton and Roman. "Can you take Ace out of my hood please?"

Logan smiled, and reached into Virgil's hood, picking up the small dragon with care. Virgil watched him and frowned when he shied away from Logan. Normally, Ace was all over Logan, since he was so careful, and quiet, which helped the timid dragon.

Logan seemed to have noticed his unusual behaviour too, and watched as he curled into a ball when placed in Virgil's hands.

"It's Patton and Roman." Virgil murmured, feeling the trembling baby in his hands. "They're too loud, he's scared." He pulled an earphone out, and placed it next to Ace's head, where he was able to listen to the music, and focus on something calming instead of the loud voices of the bubblier two friends.

Patton's pink, yellow, and blue dragon was the first to fly over to Virgil and Logan, circle their heads, and then fly back to Patton, causing him to giggle, and bound over to his friends.

"Good morning." He spoke, overpowering the music, startling both Virgil and his dragon.

"Pat, please." Virgil murmured, sliding Ace back into his hood, and placing both of his earphones in after him.

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