Emotions And Pain Pt 2 (Logince)

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Logan rolled over and saw his boyfriend sound asleep next to him. He smiled, and went to get up, slowly moving out of his boyfriend's grip. He misjudged how close to the edge of the bed he was, and fell off, groaning in pain.

Roman sat up in bed, the thud and pain in his side waking him up. "Logan?" He looked over the side of the bed, and stifled a laugh.

"It is not funny." Logan huffed, standing up, rubbing his side. "It hurt."

"I know, Love, I felt it."

"Oh yeah... Do not judge me, I am tired."

Roman rolled his eyes fondly, and pulled Logan into a gentle kiss. "I love you."

"As do I."


After the two males had gotten up, and dressed, they went to get breakfast, only to be met with a disheveled living room. "W-What happened?" Roman looked around, shocked.

They lived on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex, and it was difficult for anyone to get in, through a window or the door. "I do not know..." Logan was just as baffled as Roman.

The two boyfriends walked down to the owner's apartment, wondering if they'd seen anything. They came up with nothing, however, promised the two a pass on some rent whilst they cleaned up, and figured everything out.


A month later, they'd found the person who'd broken into their apartment and they'd managed to sort everything out.

During that month, the two had gone on a few dates, and on their last one, Roman took them to a lake. It was the same place they'd gone to on their second date.

That evening, Roman proposed to Logan, and he'd said yes.

- 3 years later -

Logan and Roman were living happily, they had 1 son and 1 daughter, Jason and Ebony. They were all happy to be living the way they were, and they couldn't ask for a better life.

322 words.

Sorry it's bad.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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