Stories Au? (Platonic Analogical*)

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My updates may be slow for a few days for a multitude of reasons. I have family coming in tomorrow, and I have very few ideas, however, I am working on a relatively long oneshot, it's 680 something words now, and it's only one paragraph. 

Also, I just managed to complete two of my books - You Can Do Better and I Got Nothing. The ending to the latter is rather poor, and I apologise for that, however, I will be making books to follow on from them as soon as I can, and have the motivation. And as soon as I have less to do.  

My requests are still open if you want anything. I am currently working on other things, like soulmate Au's and other requests, I just have to write them out, I'm getting there slowly, although I don't mind having things to do. 

Sorry for the lecture, enjoy!


*Also Logicality

Logan groaned, he's been put on "Virgil duty" once again, all traits took turns in watching the Neko trait, since he could be rather rowdy. Logan however, disliked it more than most others. He had more to do, and had to make a schedule for Thomas, and organise everything in the Mind, and more. 

That particular day, Virgil had been rather energetic, and caused Logan a great deal of stress, on top of the stress he already endured. "Virgil, will you please sit down, and stop it?" He turned around and snapped at the anxious aspect. 

Virgil's eyes filled with tears, he didn't like being snapped at, and he was rather sensitive. He ran off to find the fatherly figment, leaving Logan to rest his head in his hands, sigh, and feel guilt settling on his shoulders. His removal of Virgil did nothing to help him work. 

A knock at the door distracted him from his thoughts, and he went to let whoever it was in. Patton stood outside the door, with a sniffling Virgil on his hip, the latter also had his thumb in his mouth, and a teddy clutched in his other hand, a teddy he recognised to be Patton's. "I understand you're stressed, and I understand you can't always take care of Virgil easily, but Logan, I need you to, Thomas is struggling with emotional issues right now, and I can't have Virgil running up to me every half an hour because you got upset with him." Patton spoke calmly, yet his gaze was hard. "I love you Logan, but it's your day with him, and you need to take care of him." Patton handed Virgil back over to Logan, and pressed a kiss to bother of their foreheads, walking away, leaving the two traits in an uncomfortable silence. 

"Wogy?" Virgil spoke, looking up at Logan with big brown eyes, the faint dusting of black lay beneath his eyes, adding to his adorableness. 

"Yes?" Logan asked, shutting the door with his foot, and setting Virgil on the bed. 


"Sure, I just have to... ah, here." Logan pulled out a small book, the cover was illegible, but he knew what it was. "Fairy tales?"

Virgil nodded happily, and climbed onto Logan, once the latter had gotten comfortable on his bed. Virgil lay on his tummy, his head facing into the room, eyes already heavy. 

Not too long into the first tale, Virgil's eyes has fallen shut, and his breathing had evened out, letting Logan know, he was asleep. Logan's hand reached up and petted Virgil softly, scratching behind his ears softly. The purring that came from Virgil soon lulled Logan into a peaceful slumber. 

Patton went to check on his boyfriend and the youngest side, and smiled when he found them asleep together on the logical lineament's bed. He took some photos, and left them to rest. 

Let's just say, he had some pretty great blackmail material for when Logan complained about looking after Virgil again. 

497 words

Sorry it's short

Hope you enjoyed

Take care


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